Primary Benefit of Doing Bhakti |
In the world when we get money we spend it to buy luxurious items to make our lives more comfortable. You say that by doing bhakti you earn spiritual wealth. What is that spiritual wealth? How does one enjoy that wealth?
This is a very profound question. And before one starts bhakti the answer to this question has to be known and understood. Just as in the world before embarking on a journey, one first answers questions like
In the world when we get money we spend it to buy luxurious items to make our lives more comfortable. You say that by doing bhakti you earn spiritual wealth. What is that spiritual wealth? How does one enjoy that wealth?
This is a very profound question. And before one starts bhakti the answer to this question has to be known and understood. Just as in the world before embarking on a journey, one first answers questions like
- Why should I undertake the journey?,
- Is it even possible to get there? If so, how? and
- What will I get by reaching the destination? (WiiFM - What's in it For Me?)
Only after one is convinced of the benefits of undertaking the journey, does one embark on that journey. Also, after starting the journey to stay motivated to continue on the path one needs the ability to measure the progress made towards the goal [1][2][3]. Similarly, every seeker on the path of bhakti needs a very clear understanding of the foundational knowledge, which is called tattva gyan [4]. Tattva gyan enables one to stay steady on the path and make progress. Else, the risk of quitting and turning back to worldly attractions upon getting the slightest amount of kusang [5][6][7][8] remains imminent.
Before embarking on a spiritual path to attain spiritual wealth one has very similar questions -
Before we can understand "how will I benefit from getting it" the answers to "what do I want?", and "how will I get it?" have to be understood. In scriptural language these questions are posed as follows -
Now let us start with answering the three questions in order
Before embarking on a spiritual path to attain spiritual wealth one has very similar questions -
- What do I want?
- How do I get it?
- How will I benefit from getting it?
Before we can understand "how will I benefit from getting it" the answers to "what do I want?", and "how will I get it?" have to be understood. In scriptural language these questions are posed as follows -
- What do I want? OR "Who do I have "Relationship" or sambandha (सम्बन्ध) with?
- How do I get it? OR What is "The means" or abhidheya (अभिधेय)" of getting it?
- How will I benefit from getting it? OR What is "The Goal" or prayojana (प्रयोजन)?
Now let us start with answering the three questions in order
You all have already heard from Shri Maharaj Ji and me that every jeev is an eternal part of Shri Krishna. The worldly relationships acquired in this life are temporary, whereas jeev has every single relationship only with Shri Krishna [9][10][11][12] and all those relationships are eternal [13] [14]. God already acknowledges and fulfills his part of this relationship. But the jeev, due to ignorance, doesn’t uphold his part.
So the jeev has to expend effort to gain knowledge of this relationship with Shri Krishna [15][16][17][18]. Jeev has to exert effort to put this knowledge into practice for which Vedas mention several paths. Those were discussed in detail in the past editions and it was established that Bhakti is the one and only way to attain God.
In this edition those paths will be explored but briefly. Also, the outcome of each of those paths will be established. Thereby, we will establish the infallible path to tread upon, which will lead us to the aim of life. Then we will explore the milestones[1][2], benefits available on the way, and spiritual wealth to be found at the final destination.
In this edition those paths will be explored but briefly. Also, the outcome of each of those paths will be established. Thereby, we will establish the infallible path to tread upon, which will lead us to the aim of life. Then we will explore the milestones[1][2], benefits available on the way, and spiritual wealth to be found at the final destination.
So first a quick overview of the paths of spiritual upliftment.
Human life is so rare that it is unattainable even by celestial beings [19]. Also, it is fleeting and the time of death is unknown. The destination (God-realization) is far away and the path of God-realization is unknowable by the material intellect of the jeev. For these reasons, it is impossible to evaluate the various paths on our own [20] and decide which one is the best. However, if someone were to show the authentic path [21] and the jeev follows his advice [22], then the goal can be achieved very quickly.
In order to guide the readers on this easy path doable in Kaliyug, in the previous issues it was proved on the basis of the five criteria [23][24][25][26[27] mentioned in the Nyay Shastra that only bhakti is capable of arranging a meeting between jeev and Shri Krishna. Other expedients can spiritually uplift the jeev but only to some extent. None of them can take the jeev all the way to Shri Krishna. In Why do Pure Bhakti? this was explained in detail.
In order to guide the readers on this easy path doable in Kaliyug, in the previous issues it was proved on the basis of the five criteria [23][24][25][26[27] mentioned in the Nyay Shastra that only bhakti is capable of arranging a meeting between jeev and Shri Krishna. Other expedients can spiritually uplift the jeev but only to some extent. None of them can take the jeev all the way to Shri Krishna. In Why do Pure Bhakti? this was explained in detail.
Here is a metaphor to explain “How the relationship becomes known to jeev and then is put into practice”.
यद्यथा हिरण्यनिधिं निहितमक्षेत्रज्ञा उपर्युपरि संचरन्तो न विंदेयुरेवमेव इमाः सर्वाः प्रजाः अहरहर्गच्छन्त्य एतं ब्रह्मलोकं विंन्दंत्य नृतेन प्रत्यूढ़ाः ॥
yadyathā hiraṇyanidhiṃ nihitamakṣetrajñā uparyupari saṃcaranto na viṃdeyurevameva imāḥ sarvāḥ prajāḥ aharahargacchantya etaṃ brahmalokaṃ viṃndaṃtya nṛtena pratyūढ़āḥ ॥
There was a person living in abject poverty in a dilapidated hut. Even by begging all day he could not conjure up two meals a day. One day a holy man came by and asked for alms. The beggar replied, ”I don't even have enough to eat, what can I give you”? The holy man replied, ”Your father has given you so much that you can buy entire estates. What are you talking about?”
The beggar thought the holy man was mistaken so the beggar invited the holy man inside the hut to verify the truth of his statement.
The holy man revealed a secret to the beggar, "Look! The floor on which you walk, the treasure is buried right beneath that floor under your hut. Just dig a bit and you will find it".
The beggar looked curious, so the holy man continued. He cautioned the beggar - Don’t dig on the south side of the hut! On that side there are many hornets, if they come out they will keep stinging you. Don't dig to the north as a python lives there. It will devour you. Don't dig to the west as there is a ghost under there and will overpower you forever. Dig on the east side of your hut and there you will find all the wealth tucked away beautifully in a vessel.
The holy man revealed a secret to the beggar, "Look! The floor on which you walk, the treasure is buried right beneath that floor under your hut. Just dig a bit and you will find it".
The beggar looked curious, so the holy man continued. He cautioned the beggar - Don’t dig on the south side of the hut! On that side there are many hornets, if they come out they will keep stinging you. Don't dig to the north as a python lives there. It will devour you. Don't dig to the west as there is a ghost under there and will overpower you forever. Dig on the east side of your hut and there you will find all the wealth tucked away beautifully in a vessel.
Just like in this metaphor a Guru comes into the life of the jeev and tells the jeev about the various paths of spiritual upliftment. In the story the hornets relate to the path of karma. Karma will take you till swarg and then will leave you midway. In swarg your unfulfilled desires and aspirations will cause mental afflictions. Those afflictions are being referred to as hornets stinging you.
Digging on the west side of the hut in this metaphor is the path of gyan. If you try to establish a relationship with Shri Krishna using this path then this path leads you to mukti. Once you accept mukti you can never get rid of it and establish your relationship with Shri Krishna. This is same as when a ghost overpowers a person, then the ghost does everything and not the person. Similarly, once mukti grips you, you will cease to do anything and she will merge you in Nirakar Brahma forever. So don't dig on that side either.
The python in this metaphor is the yogic siddhi which will engulf you and not let you move towards God. In the path of Yoga, the highest state is called sampragyat samadhi in which one does not get bliss [28]. Getting bliss is the state of asampragyat samadhi which is considered lower by the yogis. So when yogis don't believe in bliss then they obviously don't believe in Shri Krishna (Remember - Shri Krishna IS bliss), hence they can’t enjoy a loving relationship with Him [29]. You might recall that God is the Desire Tree which gives what one aspires for ! So don't dig there either.
Dig on the east side. This is the path of Bhakti. This is the infallible path that jeev needs to tread upon to establish a relationship with Shri Krishna. This bhakti does not merely enable a meeting between jeev and Shri Krishna instead it keeps the two united forever [30][31].
So, this knowledge about the relationship is called sambandh gyan and only a God-realized saint [32] is capable of granting this knowledge. Now the next step is to understand more about “how to strengthen this relationship”. This is termed as abhidheya.
Digging on the west side of the hut in this metaphor is the path of gyan. If you try to establish a relationship with Shri Krishna using this path then this path leads you to mukti. Once you accept mukti you can never get rid of it and establish your relationship with Shri Krishna. This is same as when a ghost overpowers a person, then the ghost does everything and not the person. Similarly, once mukti grips you, you will cease to do anything and she will merge you in Nirakar Brahma forever. So don't dig on that side either.
The python in this metaphor is the yogic siddhi which will engulf you and not let you move towards God. In the path of Yoga, the highest state is called sampragyat samadhi in which one does not get bliss [28]. Getting bliss is the state of asampragyat samadhi which is considered lower by the yogis. So when yogis don't believe in bliss then they obviously don't believe in Shri Krishna (Remember - Shri Krishna IS bliss), hence they can’t enjoy a loving relationship with Him [29]. You might recall that God is the Desire Tree which gives what one aspires for ! So don't dig there either.
Dig on the east side. This is the path of Bhakti. This is the infallible path that jeev needs to tread upon to establish a relationship with Shri Krishna. This bhakti does not merely enable a meeting between jeev and Shri Krishna instead it keeps the two united forever [30][31].
So, this knowledge about the relationship is called sambandh gyan and only a God-realized saint [32] is capable of granting this knowledge. Now the next step is to understand more about “how to strengthen this relationship”. This is termed as abhidheya.
People search for bliss in Sansaar-The World. However, Shri Krishna, who is the source of divine love and bliss, resides right inside every living being. Sitting inside each jeev He smiles, "Look, at these fools! They're searching for happiness in the Sansaar-The World. I reside right inside them but they don't even look at Me." We aspire to get bliss from everyone else. We not only keep begging for bliss from our mother, father, wife and husband, but even from inanimate things. Think, how can all those, who haven’t found bliss for themselves, give you bliss?
We are unaware of the treasure buried inside us. That is, we don't have saṃbaṃdha jñāna with God. The holy man said, "Now you have been told about it." The beggar replied, "Yes, then what?"
"Then start digging! What else? You won't get it without digging."
Gaurang Mahaprabhu says
We are unaware of the treasure buried inside us. That is, we don't have saṃbaṃdha jñāna with God. The holy man said, "Now you have been told about it." The beggar replied, "Yes, then what?"
"Then start digging! What else? You won't get it without digging."
Gaurang Mahaprabhu says
यत्नाग्रह बिना भक्ति ना जन्माय प्रेमे । साधन बिना साध्य कभू नाहिं मिले ।
yatnāgraha binā bhakti nā janmāya preme । sādhana binā sādhya kabhū nāhiṃ mile ।
“Without making the effort, bhakti will not spring forth love in your heart, Without putting in the effort attaining the goal is impossible”.
You will have to dig! You're sitting and walking over it, but that won't help. There is a layer of soil separating you from the treasure. Similarly, there are two āvaraṇa (veil)[34] of Maya separating you from God.
You will have to dig! You're sitting and walking over it, but that won't help. There is a layer of soil separating you from the treasure. Similarly, there are two āvaraṇa (veil)[34] of Maya separating you from God.
अज्ञानेनावृतं ज्ञानं तेन मुह्यन्ति जन्तव: ।
ajñānenāvṛtaṃ jñānaṃ tena muhyanti jantava: ।
“ The living beings are deluded because their inner knowledge is covered by ignorance [33].”
Similarly, there's also a veil over the treasure, and that is Yogmaya.
Similarly, there's also a veil over the treasure, and that is Yogmaya.
नाहं प्रकाश: सर्वस्य योगमायासमावृत: ।
गीता 7-24
गीता 7-24
nāhaṃ prakāśa: sarvasya yogamāyāsamāvṛta: ।
gītā 7-24
gītā 7-24
“So first you have to remove your veil and then Akaran-Karun Shri Krishna [35] will remove His veil”. First you raise your veil and surrender.
Just as the beggar acquired knowledge from the holy man and then dug and found the wealth. Similarly, an aspirant has to believe in the words of the Guru, then start Sadhana Bhakti under his guidance. Upon perfection of Sadhana Bhakti one will attain the Siddha bhakti. This pure unalloyed perfect Bhakti is referred to by many names like sādhya bhakti, premā bhakti, anapāyinī bhakti, nirbharā bhakti etc.
So all this knowledge has to be attained and put into practice. But why? What will I get by doing all this? This is the question at hand, let us answer that now.
Just as the beggar acquired knowledge from the holy man and then dug and found the wealth. Similarly, an aspirant has to believe in the words of the Guru, then start Sadhana Bhakti under his guidance. Upon perfection of Sadhana Bhakti one will attain the Siddha bhakti. This pure unalloyed perfect Bhakti is referred to by many names like sādhya bhakti, premā bhakti, anapāyinī bhakti, nirbharā bhakti etc.
So all this knowledge has to be attained and put into practice. But why? What will I get by doing all this? This is the question at hand, let us answer that now.
Now, after getting that money, the beggar’s poverty is gone. But, if the beggar locks away the riches and continues to beg on the streets, then how can anyone say his poverty has ended? Getting the label “I am not poor” is pointless. Mahaprabhu Ji again says -
दारिद्र्य नाश भवक्षय प्रेमेर फल नाय
गौरांग महाप्रभु
गौरांग महाप्रभु
dāridraya nāśa bhavakṣaya premera phala nāya
gaurāṃga mahāprabhu
gaurāṃga mahāprabhu
“Just as ending poverty is not the desired outcome of riches, getting mukti from Maya is not the end goal of attaining divine love.”
Only when the beggar buys a palatial house, cars, clothes etc., and relishes them is his purpose of getting rich fulfilled. The joy he gets from all these is the goal of getting rich !
Whereas, in the case of attaining divine love the goal is not mukti. When you get Bhakti mukti will automatically happen. Just like when you become a billionaire, the bonus outcome is that you have become a millionaire.
Only when the beggar buys a palatial house, cars, clothes etc., and relishes them is his purpose of getting rich fulfilled. The joy he gets from all these is the goal of getting rich !
Whereas, in the case of attaining divine love the goal is not mukti. When you get Bhakti mukti will automatically happen. Just like when you become a billionaire, the bonus outcome is that you have become a millionaire.
प्रेम भोग सुख
prema bhoga sukha
"In the world with riches one enjoys sensual pleasures. In the divine world, one enjoys love". So how is that love enjoyed?
In the Sansaar-The World you spend time together with your loved one in doing activities like eating, singing, dancing, playing, chatting etc. Similarly, you do bhakti to establish a relationship with Shri Krishna with any of the four bhavs and then enjoy His company [36] by serving Him in accordance with your bhavs. Now that you have acknowledged your relationship with Him, He will reciprocate your love and sentiment [37] by accepting your services. In the Sansaar-The World seva is done with hands, feet, voice etc. Unlike in the world, seva of divine God is done with love. God does not relish the scrumptious food which has been prepared without any love [38]. As opposed to that He will accept a leaf, a flower, a fruit, even water if it has been offered with love. |
Remember Bhakti enchants Shri Krishna. So, He doesn't have the ability to refuse accepting your seva [31][42].
कृष्ण भक्तवत्सल गोविंद राधे। चक्र उठा कर भीष्म को जिता दे॥
राधा गोविंद गीत 5103
kṛṣṇa bhaktavatsala goviṃda rādhe। cakra uṭhā kara bhīṣma ko jitā de॥
Radha Govind Geet 5103
“Shri Krishna loves his devotees so much that in order to uphold Bishm Pitamah’s words, He picked up the weapon". Even though Shri Krishna agreed to participate in the battle of Mahabharat on the condition that he would go to the battle field unarmed. But, every time in the history a bhakt resolved against God's resolve, God has always receded and made his bhakt the winner. He says -
कृष्णप्रेम आपुहीं गोविंद राधे। कृष्ण को भी प्रेमी का दास बना दे॥
राधा गोविंद गीत 5120
kṛṣṇaprema āpuhīṃ goviṃda rādhe। kṛṣṇa ko bhī premī kā dāsa banā de॥
Radha Govind Geet 5120
“Shri Krishna’s Power of Love makes Shri Krishna a servant of His own devotees”.
सबते बड़ा है प्रेम गोविंद राधे । सेव्य ब्रह्म को क्रीतदास बना दे ॥
राधा गोविंद गीत 5338
sabate baḍa़ā hai prema goviṃda rādhe । sevya brahma ko krītadāsa banā de ॥
Radha Govind Geet 5338
"Power of Love is the supreme. When it manifests the Lord of Lords fulfils wishes of the devotees like a bonded slave fulfills the wishes of his master."
Therefore, serving Shri Krishna lovingly and selflessly, in order to make Him happy is the real spiritual wealth. And the bliss one receives upon pleasing Him is unparalleled [39].
So, the answers to the 3 questions mentioned above are
And the answer to your question is “Attaining His seva is the real spiritual wealth” [39]. And How does one use this wealth? One uses this wealth by lovingly serving Him with any bhav of your choice. And if you choose madhurya bhav then you are free to choose any of the other 3 bhavs at will. |
So the answer to the questions presented above are
- What do I want? - Relationship or sambandha (सम्बन्ध) with Shri Krishna.
- How do I get it? - The means or abhidheya (अभिधेय) is bhakti.
- How will I benefit from getting it? - The Goal or prayojana (प्रयोजन) is seva of Shri Krishna.
If someone wants to enjoy the opulence of living in The White House, then first of all effort must be expended to become president of the United States. Even after putting in the effort one can become the President only if destiny favors. Thus, only when both criteria are fulfilled, can one enjoy those luxuries.

Unlike the material accomplishments, Bhakti continually keeps bestowing the benefits on the way and then finally grants the goal as well. Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Mahaprabhu says practice to create interest in Bhakti is Sadhana Bhakti and creation of natural interest towards bhakti is Bhav Bhakti. There are certain ratyabhas that are exhibited, which provide one the evidence that one is on the right path [1][2][3][41]. One can use these as milestones [2][40] to ascertain if one is on the right path (or not).
Perfect devotion, which is called Siddha Bhakti or Prema Bhakti, is a form of Shri Krishna Himself. And it has many levels which are Prema, Sneh, Maan, Pranaya, Raag, Anuraag, Bhavavesh and Mahabhav Bhakti.
Perfect devotion, which is called Siddha Bhakti or Prema Bhakti, is a form of Shri Krishna Himself. And it has many levels which are Prema, Sneh, Maan, Pranaya, Raag, Anuraag, Bhavavesh and Mahabhav Bhakti.

So, Bhav Bhakti, which happens before God-realization is the higher level of Sadhana Bhakti. And culmination of Sadhana Bhakti results in attainment of Siddha Bhakti. Right from the stage of Sadhana Bhakti the devotee starts relishing the fruits of his effort. We have already talked about all these in detail in other articles [43][44][45][46][47][48][49]. Please refer to the mentioned articles in the bibliography.
So in a nutshell, Bhakti will keep granting benefits along the way to an aspirant. Upon perfection Bhakti will grant the ultimate spiritual wealth which is seva of Shri Krishna. And thereafter Bhakti will continue to keep you connected to Shri Krishna [42].
In addition, Bhakti provides many more fruits, and that too without asking. Those will be discussed in the upcoming editions.
Hearing greatness of Bhakti are you inclined to avail those benefits? If so here is a resource Sadhana - Daily Devotion that can get you started on this path. Give it an earnest try [50][51] to prove the truth of these statements of scriptures to yourself.
So in a nutshell, Bhakti will keep granting benefits along the way to an aspirant. Upon perfection Bhakti will grant the ultimate spiritual wealth which is seva of Shri Krishna. And thereafter Bhakti will continue to keep you connected to Shri Krishna [42].
In addition, Bhakti provides many more fruits, and that too without asking. Those will be discussed in the upcoming editions.
Hearing greatness of Bhakti are you inclined to avail those benefits? If so here is a resource Sadhana - Daily Devotion that can get you started on this path. Give it an earnest try [50][51] to prove the truth of these statements of scriptures to yourself.
भक्ति का मुख्य फल गोविंद राधे। दिव्य प्रेम युक्त कृष्ण सेवा बता दे॥
bhakti kā mukhya phala goviṃda rādhe। divya prema yukta kṛṣṇa sevā batā de॥ - जगद्गुरूत्तम स्वामी श्री कृपालु जी महाराज
राधा गोविंद गीत 3974 भक्ति का मुख्य पल, दिव्य प्रेम प्राप्ति होने पर श्री कृष्ण की सेवा करना है ।
The main fruit of devotion is to serve Shri Krishna after receiving divine love. - Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Maharaj
Radha Govind Geet 3974 |
Bibliography - Learn more
[6] Forms of Kusang
[7] Beware of Kusang
[8] Namaparadh
[9] Our Real Mother
[10] Our real father
[11] A Precious Well-Wishing Friend
[12] Our True Relative
[14] Everyone is a Believer
[15] Aim of Life
[16] Don't Worship "God"
[17] Bhav
[20] The Right Religion
[25] Test of Independence
[31] Lord of Lords
[32] Saint or Imposter
[34] Shroud
[36] What Will We Do In Golok?
[38] God Loves "Love"
[42] Bhakti is Everlasting
[43] Bhakti Ends Misery
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