Why do I not do devotion? |
In my 45 years as a preacher, thousands of people have asked this one particular question a vast number of times. What is that question? “When we have understood that devotion is the only thing worth doing then why don't we do devotion?” I have answered this several times in several lectures and the answer to this question is also put up on my website. You might have also heard this from Shri Maharaj Ji directly.
Even then, since this question is so prevalent, I will answer this one more time in a different manner. This time I will answer this using the couplets of Shri Maharaj Ji’s Radha Govind Geet.
Even then, since this question is so prevalent, I will answer this one more time in a different manner. This time I will answer this using the couplets of Shri Maharaj Ji’s Radha Govind Geet.
भक्ति व्यवधान तीन गोविंद राधे। मल विक्षेप आवरण बता दे॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5893
bhakti vyavadhāna tīna goviṃda rādhe। mala vikṣepa āvaraṇa batā de ॥ Radha Govind Geet 5893
bhakti vyavadhāna tīna goviṃda rādhe। mala vikṣepa āvaraṇa batā de ॥ Radha Govind Geet 5893
There are three main obstacles in devotion - mala (impurity), vikṣepa (defects of the mind such as lust, anger, greed etc.) and āvaraṇa (the veil).
In the rest of this article we will describe these three obstacles and how to overcome them.
In the rest of this article we will describe these three obstacles and how to overcome them.
The first obstacle is the mala (मल) or impurity of the mind. In scriptures, the desire for sensual pleasures is termed as impurity. This is our first and biggest obstacle. Our car (mind), has been parked at this very spot since eternity. So far the mind has been aspiring to get unlimited bliss by acquiring worldly things. This repeated contemplation has fixated the idea in the mind that there is happiness in the world. Though we haven't received it yet, there is a firm decision that we are still on the brink of getting happiness from the world. We think that once we get this particular thing, we will become happy. However, our experience shows that once we get the desired object, we desire for the next thing to become happy. So far, since eternity till now, we have received a whole lot of material objects but we have not yet received that happiness that we truly seek (1). To add fuel to fire this repeated contemplation has further strengthened our attachment to the mundane material objects. In scriptural words, the impurity of the mind has been increasing. This attachment is an obstruction in devotion.
For a moment consider what it would be like IF our mind was neutral, or in other words. not attached to anything at all. If that were the case then no sooner does a God-realized saint inform us “true happiness, that you seek, is only in God hence aspire to attain only God” then we would have promptly moved in that direction with great zeal. However, since our mind is already attached to the world, when we sit down to do sadhana - daily devotion, the mind naturally wanders away into the world. The mind enjoys worldly thoughts. Hence this is the first and the main hindrance in devotion.
Due to infinite compassion, Shri Maharaj Ji has not only made us aware of the obstacles, but has also given us the medicine to remove the obstacles in the next verse of Radha Govind Geet.
For a moment consider what it would be like IF our mind was neutral, or in other words. not attached to anything at all. If that were the case then no sooner does a God-realized saint inform us “true happiness, that you seek, is only in God hence aspire to attain only God” then we would have promptly moved in that direction with great zeal. However, since our mind is already attached to the world, when we sit down to do sadhana - daily devotion, the mind naturally wanders away into the world. The mind enjoys worldly thoughts. Hence this is the first and the main hindrance in devotion.
Due to infinite compassion, Shri Maharaj Ji has not only made us aware of the obstacles, but has also given us the medicine to remove the obstacles in the next verse of Radha Govind Geet.
मल का निवारण गोविंद राधे। भक्ति की तीव्रतम इच्छा बता दे॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5894
mala kā nivāraṇa goviṃda rādhe। bhakti kī tīvratama icchā batā de॥ Radha Govind Geet 5894
mala kā nivāraṇa goviṃda rādhe। bhakti kī tīvratama icchā batā de॥ Radha Govind Geet 5894
"A deep yearning to do devotion will slowly cleanse the impurities in the mind. "
Now, the question arises as to how one can develop this deep yearning?
Now, the question arises as to how one can develop this deep yearning?
The understanding of a jeev is so limited that it doesn’t know what it wants. In such a state, what we need is knowledge, above all other things (2). Such knowledge can be bestowed only by a saint who has both the theoretical knowledge of the scriptures and has attained God himself. Only such a person is capable of imparting this knowledge because his own ignorance is now gone. Hence, the first step is to surrender to such a saint. Remember that the saint will not make you a disciple yet. After surrendering, we have to learn the divine philosophy from him. In other words, firmly decide that the Guru will always impart the knowledge needed for my welfare. Then intensely contemplate on the knowledge you received, so that it gets firmly established in the intellect. The firmer our decision is, the stronger the desire to do devotion will be. The impurities get destroyed with this strong desire. Likewise, when the impurities get destroyed, the desire for devotion will get stronger. This is a cyclic process through which the mind will gradually get cleansed, and the faith in Guru’s words will keep increasing.
In order to achieve this, you should first stop contemplating on worldly objects. Shri Maharaj Ji has given many techniques to halt these worldly thoughts, such as -
Due to past practice, the mind will naturally run back to the world, but remember that our kriyamaan karma has a much more pronounced effect on our mind than our destiny and past sanskars. As our desire for devotion gets stronger, bhakti will keep erasing those past impressions and will pave the path to move forward in sadhana.
No one else can make this desire stronger for you. You will have to invest your time and effort in order to make this desire for devotion stronger for your own good.
- Remember that “death is certain, and can come at any time”. When you remember death, you will automatically remember God.
- Start with seating God and Guru in front of you and they are keeping a keen vigil on you. And remind yourself of that every 15 minutes.
- When this remembrance every 15 minutes becomes a habit, then reduce the duration till you don't forget that they are with you at all times
Due to past practice, the mind will naturally run back to the world, but remember that our kriyamaan karma has a much more pronounced effect on our mind than our destiny and past sanskars. As our desire for devotion gets stronger, bhakti will keep erasing those past impressions and will pave the path to move forward in sadhana.
No one else can make this desire stronger for you. You will have to invest your time and effort in order to make this desire for devotion stronger for your own good.
The second obstacle is vikṣepa. This is the restlessness of the mind due to the diseases of the mind such as lust, anger, pride, greed, attachment, hatred etc (3). These are the vices of Maya and dominate the mind, since it is the offspring of Maya. And this mind has accompanied the jeev since eternity (4). These vices remain in the mind either due to prarabdh karma (destiny), or due to the reasons unrelated to destiny. But they show their heads as soon as they get an opportunity.
Arjun confessed in the Gita,
Arjun confessed in the Gita,
चंचलं हि मनः कृष्ण प्रमाथि बलवद्दृढ़म्। तस्याहं निग्रहं मन्ये वायोरिव सुदुष्करम्॥ गीता 6.34
caṃcalaṃ hi manaḥ kṛṣṇa pramāthi balavaddṛढ़m। tasyāhaṃ nigrahaṃ manye vāyoriva suduṣkaram॥ gītā 6.34
caṃcalaṃ hi manaḥ kṛṣṇa pramāthi balavaddṛढ़m। tasyāhaṃ nigrahaṃ manye vāyoriva suduṣkaram॥ gītā 6.34
"Shri Krishna! The mind is extremely restless, obstinate and relentless. Sometimes it reaches the skies and at other times it reaches the nether (lower planets) world. It is faster than the speed of wind. Controlling it is very difficult ".
Shri Krishna also agreed with Arjun and told him the solution to the problem, असंशयं महाबाहो मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम्। अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण च गृह्यते॥
गीता 6.35 asaṃśayaṃ mahābāho mano durnigrahaṃ calam । abhyāsena tu kaunteya vairāgyeṇa ca gṛhyate ।। gītā 6.35 "Undoubtedly the mind is restless and is very difficult to control. However with repeated practice and detachment, it can be brought under one's control."
So how do we control such a mind?
The enlightened ones always remain equipoised like the ocean. They do not dry up or get flooded like a shallow river in worldly happiness and sorrow. In the beginning, we will not have this calmness like saints.
विक्षेप वारण गोविंद राधे। श्री कृष्ण साधन भक्ति बता दे॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5895
vikṣepa vāraṇa goviṃda rādhe । śrī kṛṣṇa sādhana bhakti batā de।। Radha Govind Geet 5895
vikṣepa vāraṇa goviṃda rādhe । śrī kṛṣṇa sādhana bhakti batā de।। Radha Govind Geet 5895
“In order to make the mind stable, one has to practice Bhakti of Shri Krishna”.
Initially, we have to practice to detach the mind from the world and attach it to God. Wherever the mind goes, immediately place Shri Krishna (5) there (6). In Gita Shri Krishna calls this as Abhyas vairagya which means the practice of detachment and attachment. This is also called Sadhana Bhakti . Right now our mind is craving to attain the transient pleasures of the world, such as watching exciting programs on the television, tasting a variety of food items, and travelling to different places and experiencing the world. Though the goal for doing all this is attaining unlimited bliss that goal remains unattainable with such activities. This restlessness will gradually reduce through Sadhana Bhakti.
Initially, we have to practice to detach the mind from the world and attach it to God. Wherever the mind goes, immediately place Shri Krishna (5) there (6). In Gita Shri Krishna calls this as Abhyas vairagya which means the practice of detachment and attachment. This is also called Sadhana Bhakti . Right now our mind is craving to attain the transient pleasures of the world, such as watching exciting programs on the television, tasting a variety of food items, and travelling to different places and experiencing the world. Though the goal for doing all this is attaining unlimited bliss that goal remains unattainable with such activities. This restlessness will gradually reduce through Sadhana Bhakti.
The third obstacle is āvaraṇa, or the shroud of Maya (4). God has the veil of Yogmaya over Him and the jeev has the veil of Maya over it. This is why jeev and Brahma-Supreme God are unable to meet, and hence jeev is unable to experience the bliss of Brahma-Supreme God .
Even in the world, efforts are needed to accomplish a task or a goal. For example, one can become an IAS officer only after passing the IAS exam. First one has to understand the benefits of becoming an IAS officer. Then one has to work hard to prepare for the exams. After a few years of passing the exam one can reap the benefit of becoming an IAS officer. However, the devotional path is much easier than this.
Jeev doesn’t have so much capability as to unveil this veil of Maya on its own. Hence, the job of jeev is only to perfect Sadhana Bhakti in accordance with the instructions given by Guru. When the mind gets purified through Sadhana Bhakti , the divine personal power of God called Swaroop shakti will make the mind divine, through Guru’s grace. As soon as the mind becomes divine, the veil of Maya will get removed. Then God will grace (7) and remove his veil of Yogmaya as well. That’s when the nectarine union of jeev and Brahma-Supreme God will happen.
Even in the world, efforts are needed to accomplish a task or a goal. For example, one can become an IAS officer only after passing the IAS exam. First one has to understand the benefits of becoming an IAS officer. Then one has to work hard to prepare for the exams. After a few years of passing the exam one can reap the benefit of becoming an IAS officer. However, the devotional path is much easier than this.
Jeev doesn’t have so much capability as to unveil this veil of Maya on its own. Hence, the job of jeev is only to perfect Sadhana Bhakti in accordance with the instructions given by Guru. When the mind gets purified through Sadhana Bhakti , the divine personal power of God called Swaroop shakti will make the mind divine, through Guru’s grace. As soon as the mind becomes divine, the veil of Maya will get removed. Then God will grace (7) and remove his veil of Yogmaya as well. That’s when the nectarine union of jeev and Brahma-Supreme God will happen.
आवरण वारण गोविंद राधे। कृपा ते स्वरूप शक्ति प्राप्ति बता दे॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5896
āvaraṇa vāraṇa goviṃda rādhe। kṛpā te svarūpa śakti prāpti batā de।। Radha Govind Geet 5896
āvaraṇa vāraṇa goviṃda rādhe। kṛpā te svarūpa śakti prāpti batā de।। Radha Govind Geet 5896
“The union of jeev and Brahma-Supreme God will happen when the Swaroop Shakti, the personal divine power of God, makes jeev forget about its infinitesimally small significance and makes God forget about His divinity.”
So let this veil stay for now and focus all of your resources in doing two things - first, develop a strong yearning to attain devotion and second, do sadhana bhakti to get control over your mind. When your sadhana is complete, you will attain perfection through Guru’s grace. In that state there won’t be any veil. You will get the divine personal power of Shri Krishna, the Swaroop Shakti and will attain the ultimate divine bliss of God forever.
So let this veil stay for now and focus all of your resources in doing two things - first, develop a strong yearning to attain devotion and second, do sadhana bhakti to get control over your mind. When your sadhana is complete, you will attain perfection through Guru’s grace. In that state there won’t be any veil. You will get the divine personal power of Shri Krishna, the Swaroop Shakti and will attain the ultimate divine bliss of God forever.
In order to develop strong yearning -
In order to control your fickle mind -
The rest of the responsibility belongs to the Guru. You will automatically attain goals such as purification of mind, liberation from Maya, and God realization.
Also, always remember that someone else cannot do the sadhana for you. You will have to cut your ignorance on your own by using the sword of divine philosophy that you have received from Shri Maharaj Ji. You will have to create that strong desire, yearning, and eagerness to attain that infinite bliss, for your own benefit. By God and Guru’s grace you have attained this human body (9), and also have received this knowledge that there is no happiness in this world (10). You will have to use this knowledge and make an effort to implement it in your life. As you make efforts, Guru will keep helping you move ahead further on the path, and you will find that your faith and bliss is increasing day by day.
You will have to wage this war against your own mind, else you will find yourself asking this same question over and over again, and endlessly continuing your search for that infinite bliss that you are seeking.
- surrender to a bona fide Saint and accept Him as your Guru (8),
- learn the divine precepts from Him
In order to control your fickle mind -
- Be steadfast in doing the sadhana as prescribed by your Guru
The rest of the responsibility belongs to the Guru. You will automatically attain goals such as purification of mind, liberation from Maya, and God realization.
Also, always remember that someone else cannot do the sadhana for you. You will have to cut your ignorance on your own by using the sword of divine philosophy that you have received from Shri Maharaj Ji. You will have to create that strong desire, yearning, and eagerness to attain that infinite bliss, for your own benefit. By God and Guru’s grace you have attained this human body (9), and also have received this knowledge that there is no happiness in this world (10). You will have to use this knowledge and make an effort to implement it in your life. As you make efforts, Guru will keep helping you move ahead further on the path, and you will find that your faith and bliss is increasing day by day.
You will have to wage this war against your own mind, else you will find yourself asking this same question over and over again, and endlessly continuing your search for that infinite bliss that you are seeking.
मन! क्यों नहीं हरि गुन गा रहा|
यह जग है इक भूलभुलैया, क्यों तू धोखा खा रहा। भुक्ति मुक्ति है प्रबल पिशाचिनि, क्यों इनमें भरमा रहा। सुत वित नारिन त्रिविध तिजारिन, क्यों इनको अपना रहा। इन इंद्रिन विषयन-विष पी मन, क्यों इतनो हरषा रहा। नर तनु पाय 'कृपालु' भजन करु, यह जीवन अब जा रहा॥ mana! kyoṃ nahīṃ hari guna gā rahā|
yaha jaga hai ika bhūlabhulaiyā, kyoṃ tū dhokhā khā rahā। bhukti mukti hai prabala piśācini, kyoṃ inameṃ bharamā rahā। suta vita nārina trividha tijārina, kyoṃ inako apanā rahā। ina iṃdrina viṣayana-viṣa pī mana, kyoṃ itano haraṣā rahā। nara tanu pāya 'kṛpālu' bhajana karu, yaha jīvana aba jā rahā॥ - Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Maharaj
Prem Ras Madira, Siddhant Madhuri - 73 |
Oh mind! Why don't you sing the attributes of Shyamsundara? Why are you deceiving yourself in this maze-like world? Bhukti and Mukti are two extremely powerful witches; why are you allowing yourself to be entrapped by them? Your wife, son, and wealth are all dangerous like the fever, which recurs every third day. Why are you accepting them as your own? Why are you feeling so happy in drinking the poison of the sense-objects? Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji says that this human body is hard to attain even by heavenly gods. This transient human life is passing away. Therefore, start practicing devotion to Shyamsundar without a moment's delay.
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