Though all Jeev are eternal servants of God, He has given us permission to worship with with any of the following devotional sentiments. These sentiments are called bhav. Also, He promised to reciprocate every bhav in intensity and sentiment.
- Shant Bhav (शांत भाव)
- Dasya Bhav (दास्य भाव)
- Sakhya Bhav (सख्य भाव)
- Vatsalya bhav (वात्सल्य भाव)
- Madhurya Bhav (माधुर्य भाव)

In Shant Bhav (शांत भाव) God is the king and jeev are the subjects. The devotees of Shant Bhav go to Baikunth Lok and always live in association of Lord Vishnu. His four arms, the divine disc and the club are a constant reminders of His divine powers (ऐश्वर्य).
In Vaikunth the devotee can never have any intimate relationship or close association with Him. Devotees love and pay immense respect to Lord Vishnu but from a distance.
शांत भाव निष्ठायुत गोविंद राधे। मिले बैकुण्ठ धाम सुख ही बता दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5603
dāsya bhāva maiṃ sadā goviṃda rādhe । niṣṭhā aura sevā donoṃ batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5604
The subjects enjoy unlimited divine bliss of his beautiful divine form and association constantly. Yet there are no eternal associates(परिकर) or leelas (लीला). Hence there is always a distance between devotee and God.
These devotees can go up to Prema bhakti.
In Vaikunth the devotee can never have any intimate relationship or close association with Him. Devotees love and pay immense respect to Lord Vishnu but from a distance.
शांत भाव निष्ठायुत गोविंद राधे। मिले बैकुण्ठ धाम सुख ही बता दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5603
dāsya bhāva maiṃ sadā goviṃda rādhe । niṣṭhā aura sevā donoṃ batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5604
The subjects enjoy unlimited divine bliss of his beautiful divine form and association constantly. Yet there are no eternal associates(परिकर) or leelas (लीला). Hence there is always a distance between devotee and God.
These devotees can go up to Prema bhakti.
शान्त भाव वालों को गोविंद राधे। भक्ति प्रेमा भक्ति तक ही पहुँचा दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5615
śānta bhāva vāloṃ ko goviṃda rādhe। bhakti premā bhakti taka hī pahum̐cā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5615
śānta bhāva vāloṃ ko goviṃda rādhe। bhakti premā bhakti taka hī pahum̐cā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5615
That’s why the rasik saints do not count it in the area of rasa (nectar of Braj). The realm of rasa starts from Dasya Bhav. The other four relationships that can exist with Shri Krishna are listed below -

In Dasya bhav (दास्य भाव) Shri Krishna is the Master and jeev is a loyal servant. The servant concerns himself only about loyal service of the master Shri Krishna. Such a servant always remains engrossed and eager to serve his master to please Him.
दास्य भाव मैं सदा गोविंद राधे । निष्ठा और सेवा दोनों बता दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5604
dāsya bhāva maiṃ sadā goviṃda rādhe । niṣṭhā aura sevā donoṃ batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5604
But there is no parity between sewak (servant) and Swami (Master); a servant can’t sit beside the Master or embrace him. A servant gets more association (darshan), personal sewa (bliss of touching His divine body and smelling His divine fragrance), conversation (bliss of hearing His divine words) and a chance to witness His pastimes (bliss of seeing His divine leela).
To top it all the sewak attains love and favor of Shri Krishna. His mind remains so engrossed in servitude that he serves everyone wholeheartedly viewing his master sitting in their hearts too. Desire of sewa and loyalty are the main virtues in Dasya Bhav.
A sewak can aspire only up to this extent-
दास्य भाव मैं सदा गोविंद राधे । निष्ठा और सेवा दोनों बता दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5604
dāsya bhāva maiṃ sadā goviṃda rādhe । niṣṭhā aura sevā donoṃ batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5604
But there is no parity between sewak (servant) and Swami (Master); a servant can’t sit beside the Master or embrace him. A servant gets more association (darshan), personal sewa (bliss of touching His divine body and smelling His divine fragrance), conversation (bliss of hearing His divine words) and a chance to witness His pastimes (bliss of seeing His divine leela).
To top it all the sewak attains love and favor of Shri Krishna. His mind remains so engrossed in servitude that he serves everyone wholeheartedly viewing his master sitting in their hearts too. Desire of sewa and loyalty are the main virtues in Dasya Bhav.
A sewak can aspire only up to this extent-
पंचत्वं तनुरेति भूत निवाहाः स्वांशे विशन्तु स्फुटम्,
धातारं प्रणिपत्य हन्त शिरसा तत्रापि याचे वरम्। तद्वापीषु पयस्तदीय मुकुरे ज्योतिस्तदीयाङ्गन व्योम्निव्योम तदीय वर्त्मनि धरा तत्तालवृन्तेऽनिलः ॥ |
paṃcatvaṃ tanureti bhūta nivāhāḥ svāṃśe viśantu sphuṭam,
dhātāraṃ praṇipatya hanta śirasā tatrāpi yāce varam। tadvāpīṣu payastadīya mukure jyotistadīyāṅgana vyomnivyoma tadīya vartmani dharā tattālavṛnte'nilaḥ ॥ |
"O my swami ! I wish to serve you till eternity. Hence when I die, I wish the water element (जल see Panch Mahabhoot) of my body should mingle with the water of that pond in which You enjoy bathing, the fire (तेज) element merges into that mirror in which you see your face, the space (आकाश) element merges into in the ambience of that place, where you play joyfully, the air merges into the air (वायु) of fan which gopis use to serve you and the element of earth (पृथ्वी) should merge into the earth of your popular way of walking.”
Devotees serving Shri Krishna with this bhav can attain up to Raag bhakti.
Devotees serving Shri Krishna with this bhav can attain up to Raag bhakti.
दास्य भाव वालों को गोविंद राधे। भक्ति राग भक्ति तक ही पहुँचा दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5616
dāsya bhāva vāloṃ ko goviṃda rādhe। bhakti rāga bhakti taka hī pahum̐cā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5616
dāsya bhāva vāloṃ ko goviṃda rādhe। bhakti rāga bhakti taka hī pahum̐cā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5616
In Sakhya Bhav (सख्य भाव) Shri Krishna is the friend of the – There is equivalence and no formality with Him in Sakhya Bhav. The devotees, who love Shri Krishna as their friend, enjoy intimacy. So loving respect, love, informality and servitude are the main features in this bhav
सख्य भाव में तो है गोविंद राधे। निष्ठा सेवा विश्रम्भ तीनों बता दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5605
sakhya bhāva meṃ to hai goviṃda rādhe। niṣṭhā sevā viśrambha tīnoṃ batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5605
sakhya bhāva meṃ to hai goviṃda rādhe। niṣṭhā sevā viśrambha tīnoṃ batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5605
There are two kinds of friends of Shri Krishna -
1. Who love Shri Krishna adoring His majesty: examples of this relationship are Arjun and Uddhav
1. Who love Shri Krishna adoring His majesty: examples of this relationship are Arjun and Uddhav
2. Who love Shri Krishna without any concept of His majesty: example of such friendship is the cowherd boys of Braj. They love Shri Krishna purely as their friend without identifying Him as God. Sometimes they sit on the shoulders of Shri Krishna and sometime Shri Krishna sits on their shoulders. They play together and consider Him as one of the other cowherd boys. Sometimes they get annoyed and Shri Krishna strives to please them and sometimes they have to do the same with Shri Krishna. If ever these sakhas (friends) of Shri Krishna saw Him in a in glum mood, they would willingly and promptly offer their all including their life to please Him.
The following verse shows their immense love towards Shri Krishna. They did not even have an inkling that He was God (1).
The following verse shows their immense love towards Shri Krishna. They did not even have an inkling that He was God (1).
उन्निद्रस्य ययुस्तवात्रविरतिं सप्तक्षपास्तिष्ठतो,
हंत श्रान्त इवासि निक्षिप सखे! श्रीदामापाणौ गिरिः । आधिर्विध्यति नस्त्वमर्पयकरे मिं वा क्षणे दक्षिणे, दोष्णस्ते करवाम काममधुना सव्यास्या संवाहनम्। |
unnidrasya yayustavātraviratiṃ saptakṣapāstiṣṭhato,
haṃta śrānta ivāsi nikṣipa sakhe! śrīdāmāpāṇau giriḥ । ādhirvidhyati nastvamarpayakare miṃ vā kṣaṇe dakṣiṇe, doṣṇaste karavāma kāmamadhunā savyāsyā saṃvāhanam। |

"O Kanha! You are holding this mountain on your little finger of left hand. We are terribly pained to see you hold a single posture and not eat or drink anything for seven straight days. Please hand it over to Shri Dama for a while. Or if you don’t want to do that then please hold it with the finger of right hand. So, we will press your left hand. We cannot see you like this anymore.”
Once, friends had put wager that the loser will become a horse and winner will ride on the losers back. Shri Krishna lost so friends compelled Him to act like a horse and cowherd boys rode on His back. Brahma saw this amazing scene and says
Once, friends had put wager that the loser will become a horse and winner will ride on the losers back. Shri Krishna lost so friends compelled Him to act like a horse and cowherd boys rode on His back. Brahma saw this amazing scene and says
अहोभाग्यमहोभाग्यमं नंदगोपब्रजौकसाम्।
यन्मित्रं परमानंदं पूर्णं ब्रह्म सनातनम्। भा १०.१४.३२
ahobhāgyamahobhāgyamaṃ naṃdagopabrajaukasām।
yanmitraṃ paramānaṃdaṃ pūrṇaṃ brahma sanātanam। bhā 10.14.32
"What a grace on these illiterate cowherd boys! The veritable Bliss, absolute Brahma-Supreme God has become their eternal bosom buddy!!"
Devotees serving Shri Krishna with this bhav can attain up to initial (lower) level of Anuraag bhakti. Higher states of love cannot be reached.
Devotees serving Shri Krishna with this bhav can attain up to initial (lower) level of Anuraag bhakti. Higher states of love cannot be reached.
सख्य भाव वालों को गोविंद राधे । भक्ति अनुराग पूर्व तक पहुँचा दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5617
sakhya bhāva vāloṃ ko goviṃda rādhe । bhakti anurāga pūrva taka pahum̐cā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5617
sakhya bhāva vāloṃ ko goviṃda rādhe । bhakti anurāga pūrva taka pahum̐cā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5617
Loving Shri Krishna as a son is Vatsalya Bhav (वात्सल्य भाव). Pampering baby Shri Krishna with extreme parental love is the chief traits of Vatsalya Bhav.
वात्सल्य में है निष्ठा गोविंद राधे। सेवा विश्रम्भ ममता बता दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5606
vātsalya meṃ hai niṣṭhā goviṃda rādhe। sevā viśrambha mamatā batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5606
vātsalya meṃ hai niṣṭhā goviṃda rādhe। sevā viśrambha mamatā batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5606
The bliss, that Nand Baba experiences when Shri Krishna sits in his lap surpasses words. Mother Yashoda's state is inexplicable when the Supreme Lord drinks her milk. This bliss is so sweet that devotees of Vatsalya bhav never ever want to know that their son is God. They want to enjoy their son to the fullest. Once Yashoda adorned her little baby Kanha in beautiful clothes and tiny ornaments. After sometime she stepped away for a bit. When she returned she saw him playing in mirk (water mixed in dirt).
She got angry and scolding her child she said,
She got angry and scolding her child she said,
पंकाभिषिक्तसकलावयवं विलोक्य,
दामोदरं वदति कोपवशाद्यशोदा ।
त्वं शूकरोऽसि गतजन्मनि पूतनारे
रित्युक्तिसस्मितमुखोऽवतु नो मुरारिः .. कृ. कर्णामृत
paṃkābhiṣiktasakalāvayavaṃ vilokya,
dāmodaraṃ vadati kopavaśādyaśodā ।
tvaṃ śūkaro'si gatajanmani pūtanāre
rityuktisasmitamukho'vatu no murāriḥ .. kṛ. karṇāmṛta
दामोदरं वदति कोपवशाद्यशोदा ।
त्वं शूकरोऽसि गतजन्मनि पूतनारे
रित्युक्तिसस्मितमुखोऽवतु नो मुरारिः .. कृ. कर्णामृत
paṃkābhiṣiktasakalāvayavaṃ vilokya,
dāmodaraṃ vadati kopavaśādyaśodā ।
tvaṃ śūkaro'si gatajanmani pūtanāre
rityuktisasmitamukho'vatu no murāriḥ .. kṛ. karṇāmṛta
"Kanha! I bathed You and adorned You with nice clothes and within no time you have become dirty again playing in the mirk. It seems you were a pig in your past life". Shri Krishna smiled on this comment of Mother Yashoda thinking,'Yes, Maiya you are right. I have taken a Shookaravatar (शूकरावतार) before'."
The fortune of such devotees cannot be fathomed.
Yashoda was fed up of listening to the complaints of Shri Krishna. Once she tied Him to a mortar. With tears rolling down His cheeks He was begging Maiya to release Him. Seeing his Lord in such a pitiable condition, Narad Ji, admiring the fortune of Mother Yashoda says-
Yashoda was fed up of listening to the complaints of Shri Krishna. Once she tied Him to a mortar. With tears rolling down His cheeks He was begging Maiya to release Him. Seeing his Lord in such a pitiable condition, Narad Ji, admiring the fortune of Mother Yashoda says-
यशोदा समा कापि महात्मा नास्ति भूतले ।
उलूखले यया बद्धो म्य्क्तिदो मुक्तिमिच्छति ॥
yaśodā samā kāpi mahātmā nāsti bhūtale ।
ulūkhale yayā baddho myktido muktimicchati ॥
उलूखले यया बद्धो म्य्क्तिदो मुक्तिमिच्छति ॥
yaśodā samā kāpi mahātmā nāsti bhūtale ।
ulūkhale yayā baddho myktido muktimicchati ॥
“Who can be more blessed saint on this earth than mother Yashoda! She has tied Shri Krishna to a mortar. Let alone Shri Krishna Himself, even His name is so potent that it grants liberation to the individual souls. That Shri Krishna is crying and begging Maiya to release Him”.
Shukdev Paramhans also says-
Shukdev Paramhans also says-
नेमं विरिञ्चो न भवो न श्रीरप्यङ्गसंश्रया ॥
प्रसादं लेभिरे गोपी यत्तत् प्राप विमुक्तिदात॥ भा 10.9.20
nemaṃ viriñco na bhavo na śrīrapyaṅgasaṃśrayā ॥
prasādaṃ lebhire gopī yattat prāpa vimuktidāta॥ bhā 10.9.20
“The grace attained by Yashoda is not accessible even to the son of Shri Krishna - Brahma, the most loved Shankar and eternal consort Maha Lakshmi, the one who always resides on His chest (the Shri Vatsa sign)”.
Devotees with this bhav can attain the highest level of Anuraag bhakti and not beyond.
Devotees with this bhav can attain the highest level of Anuraag bhakti and not beyond.
वात्सल्य भाव वालों को गोविंद राधे । भक्ति अनुराग अंत तक पहुँचा दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5618
vātsalya bhāva vāloṃ ko goviṃda rādhe । bhakti anurāga aṃtataka pahum̐cā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5618
vātsalya bhāva vāloṃ ko goviṃda rādhe । bhakti anurāga aṃtataka pahum̐cā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5618
Loving Shri Krishna as a beloved is called Madhurya Bhav (माधुर्य भाव). This is the most intimate relationship with Him. In this bhav in addition to the 5 traits mentioned in the bhavs above, devotee also surrenders herself.
माधुर्य में हैं चारों गोविंद राधे। पाँचवा है आत्मसमर्पण बता दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5607
mādhurya meṃ haiṃ cāroṃ goviṃda rādhe। pām̐cavā hai ātmasamarpaṇa batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5607
mādhurya meṃ haiṃ cāroṃ goviṃda rādhe। pām̐cavā hai ātmasamarpaṇa batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5607
In this relationship there are three levels
Depending of their level of selflessness and self-surrender, these devotees can attain upto Mahabhav bhakti.
Depending of their level of selflessness and self-surrender, these devotees can attain upto Mahabhav bhakti.
मधुर भाव वालों को गोविंद राधे । भक्ति महाभाव भक्ति तक पहुँचा दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5619
madhura bhāva vāloṃ ko goviṃda rādhe । bhakti mahābhāva bhakti taka pahum̐cā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5619
madhura bhāva vāloṃ ko goviṃda rādhe । bhakti mahābhāva bhakti taka pahum̐cā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5619
In UJJVAL NEELMANI, the exclusive scripture on nectar of devotion, Roop Goswami has explained these levels as follow
साधारणी निगदिता समंजसाऽसौ समर्था च।
कुब्जादिषु महीषीषु गोकुलदेवीषु क्रमतः ॥
sādhāraṇī nigaditā samaṃjasā'sau samarthā ca।
kubjādiṣu mahīṣīṣu gokuladevīṣu kramataḥ ॥
कुब्जादिषु महीषीषु गोकुलदेवीषु क्रमतः ॥
sādhāraṇī nigaditā samaṃjasā'sau samarthā ca।
kubjādiṣu mahīṣīṣu gokuladevīṣu kramataḥ ॥
Sadharani Rati ( साधारणी रति) is rare like a gem (mani) which is found in great devotees like Kubja only. Although this kind of love is not selfless, so though condemable it is not commendable either. It rises in association of beloved. Fulfilling one's Self-desire of copulation is the base of Sadharani Rati.
Ujjval Neelmani defines this love as lowest in Madhurya Bhav -
Ujjval Neelmani defines this love as lowest in Madhurya Bhav -
असांद्रत्वाद्रेतेरस्या समंभोगेच्छा विभिद्यते ।
एतस्या ह्रासतोह्रासस्तद्हेतुत्वाद्रतेरपि ॥
asāṃdratvādreterasyā samaṃbhogecchā vibhidyate ।
etasyā hrāsatohrāsastadhetutvādraterapi ॥
एतस्या ह्रासतोह्रासस्तद्हेतुत्वाद्रतेरपि ॥
asāṃdratvādreterasyā samaṃbhogecchā vibhidyate ।
etasyā hrāsatohrāsastadhetutvādraterapi ॥
"Yet to love the Supreme Brahma Shri Krishna as beloved, rejecting all other gods and all kinds of allurements, is not an ordinary task". That’s why the Bhagavat says,
कृष्णभक्तः सकामोऽपि वरान्यखलु सेवकात्।
निष्कामादपि तत्कामो यतो मोक्षाय कल्पते ॥ kṛṣṇabhaktaḥ sakāmo'pi varānyakhalu sevakāt। niṣkāmādapi tatkāmo yato mokṣāya kalpate ॥ "Out of devotees of all forms of God, Shri Krishna's devotees are greater for even a a selfish devotee of Shri Krishna can attain what selfless devotees of other deities cannot attain. Devotees of Shri Krishna discard liberation in favor of love bliss ".
That’s why even Shukdev Ji admired highly the love of Kubja in Bhagawat - दुराराध्यं समाराध्य विष्णुं सर्वेश्वरेश्वरम्।
यो वृणीते मनोग्रामसत्त्वात् कुमनीष्यसौ । भा १०.१८.११ durārādhyaṃ samārādhya viṣṇuṃ sarveśvareśvaram। yo vṛṇīte manogrāmasattvāt। kumanīṣyasau । bhā 10.18.11 "Kubja loved Shri Krishna, the one who is not accessible to the great paramhansas and even to Lord Brahma, Lord Shankar and saint Narad etc. !! It is reprehensible to please Shri Krishna only to turn around and ask Him to fulfill material desires. She is not so dumb-witted. She loved Shri Krishna and wished for Him to be her beloved".
These devotees are of Madhurya bhav yet due to their desire of self-happiness they can attain only up to Prem bhakti. |
साधारणी रति गोविंद राधे । प्रेमा भक्ति तक जाए बता दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5646
sādhāraṇī rati goviṃda rādhe । premā bhakti taka jāe batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5646
sādhāraṇī rati goviṃda rādhe । premā bhakti taka jāe batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5646
Due to the desire of self-happiness they cannot attain higher levels of love described below. They get to be servants of Queen Rukmani in Dwarka.
Smanjasa rati (समंजसा रति) is
पत्निभावाभिमानित्वाद् गुणादिश्रवणादिजः ।
क्वचिद्भेदित् संभोगतृष्णा सान्द्रा समञ्जसा ॥ patnibhāvābhimānitvād guṇādiśravaṇādijaḥ । kvacidbhedit saṃbhogatṛṣṇā sāndrā samañjasā ॥ This is like a Chintamani (wish fulfilling gem), which is very rare in the universe. This type of love is found in the queens of Shri Krishna only. His wives are proud of the fact that “I am His wife”.
Sometimes, these devotees have an over-powering desire of physical association for pleasing themselves. This love increases more upon hearing about His attributes, character and beauty etc. Yet it is profound. Devotees of this kind of love can rise up to highest level of Anuraag bhakti only and not beyond. समंजसा रति गोविंद राधे । अनुराग भक्ति तक जाए बता दे ॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5647
samaṃjasā rati rati goviṃda rādhe । anurāga bhakti taka jāe batā de ॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5647 |
Samartha Rati (समर्था रति) is like Kaustubh Mani, which is not found anywhere else in the universe except with Shri Krishna only. Precisely, Samartha Rati is exclusively found in Gopis only.
क्वचिद्विषेमायान्त्या संभोगेच्छा ययाऽभितः ।
रत्या तदात्मापन्ना सा समर्थेति भण्यते । स्वस्वरूपात्तदियाद्वा जातो यत्किञ्चदन्वयात्। समर्था सर्वविस्मारिगन्धा सान्द्रतमा मता । उ. नी
kvacidviṣemāyāntyā saṃbhogecchā yayā'bhitaḥ ।
ratyā tadātmāpannā sā samartheti bhaṇyate । svasvarūpāttadiyādvā jāto yatkiñcadanvayāt। samarthā sarvavismārigandhā sāndratamā matā । u. nī
Samartha rati is laden with unique nature of love-sentiments, which easily fascinates Shyam Sundar. Even a hint of this love terminates shyness, patience, modesty and all other kind of obstacles immediately. A gopi whose heart is brimming with of Samartha rati says –
कोउ कहौ कुलटा कुलीन अलीन कहौ,
कोउ कहौ रंकिनी कलंकिनी कुनारी हौं । कैसो नरलोक परलोक बर लोकन में, लीनी मैं अलीक लीक लोकन ते न्यारी हौं । तन जाहु मन जाहु देव गुरुजन जाहु, प्रान किन न जाहु टेक टरति न टारी हौं । वृदाबन वारी बनवारी की मुकुट वारी, पीतपट वारी वही हुरति पै वारी हौं ॥ |
kou kahau kulaṭā kulīna alīna kahau,
kou kahau raṃkinī kalaṃkinī kunārī hauṃ । kaiso naraloka paraloka bara lokana meṃ, līnī maiṃ alīka līka lokana te nyārī hauṃ । tana jāhu mana jāhu deva gurujana jāhu, prāna kina na jāhu ṭeka ṭarati na ṭārī hauṃ । vṛdābana vārī banavārī kī mukuṭa vārī, pītapaṭa vārī vahī hurati pai vārī hauṃ ॥ |
They openly proclaim, “we don’t care at all if anyone defames us by accusing our character, clan, immorality, family etc. We don’t care if the entire world rejects us. We also don’t care for achievements of This planet or thereafter or even higher planets. We have chosen the unique path of love and our life is entirely sacrificed to Shyam Sundar alone.”
Gopi's love is called Madhu Sneh in which the devotee has a very heightened feeling of “He is mine” hence I love Him. This is the reason, no matter how adverse the situation might be, the fervor of their love never diminishes.
Based on the bhav and selflessness of relationship, the divine bliss can be categorized into 8 levels out of those Mahabhav is the highest level. Only the gopis can rise up to Roorh Mahabhav.
A Rasik saint depicts their love beautifully in this composition.
Uddhav, the foremost gyani of Dwapar Yug, was very dear friend of Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna wanted Uddhav to give up his gyan of impersonal form of Brahma and taste the sweetness of love. But Uddhav was very proud of his gyan. Also, being a friend he could have dismissed the advice of Shri Krishna. So, Shri Krishna devised a clever plan to convince Uddhav to visit the Gopis. He said,”Gopis used to love Me a lot. Now that I have left Braj they are devastated. Go give them your knowledge, so they can overcome their pain".
Gopi's love is called Madhu Sneh in which the devotee has a very heightened feeling of “He is mine” hence I love Him. This is the reason, no matter how adverse the situation might be, the fervor of their love never diminishes.
Based on the bhav and selflessness of relationship, the divine bliss can be categorized into 8 levels out of those Mahabhav is the highest level. Only the gopis can rise up to Roorh Mahabhav.
A Rasik saint depicts their love beautifully in this composition.
Uddhav, the foremost gyani of Dwapar Yug, was very dear friend of Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna wanted Uddhav to give up his gyan of impersonal form of Brahma and taste the sweetness of love. But Uddhav was very proud of his gyan. Also, being a friend he could have dismissed the advice of Shri Krishna. So, Shri Krishna devised a clever plan to convince Uddhav to visit the Gopis. He said,”Gopis used to love Me a lot. Now that I have left Braj they are devastated. Go give them your knowledge, so they can overcome their pain".
The Gopis are the professors in the school of love. Shri Krishna was sure that after seeing the exclusive love of the Gopis, Uddhav would surely discard his pride of knowledge and assimilate the true meaning of knowledge which is true love for God. Without love gyan is nothing but sheer ignorance.
So, Uddhav went to the Gopis to impart the insipid knowledge of Vedant to convince them to forget Shri Krishna. He told them,“Shri Krishna does not love you anymore. The gyan of Vedant will help you renounce all attachments resulting in peace of mind and liberation”.
Hearing this, the Gopis mocked His knowledge and said -
So, Uddhav went to the Gopis to impart the insipid knowledge of Vedant to convince them to forget Shri Krishna. He told them,“Shri Krishna does not love you anymore. The gyan of Vedant will help you renounce all attachments resulting in peace of mind and liberation”.
Hearing this, the Gopis mocked His knowledge and said -
उधो! कहियो हरि समुझाय ।
हम सब उनहिं न कबहुँ बिसरिहैं, वे चाहे बिसराय । वे मेरे प्रियतम प्राणेश्वर, हम अबला असहाय । हम सब भईं सनातन चेरी, वे चाहे ठुकराय । चितवत पंथ रैन दिन दैहौं, अगनित जनम बिताय । पै कृपालु को भय पिय जग सों, तव परतीति न जाय । प्रेम रस मदिरा
udho! kahiyo hari samujhāya ।
hama saba unahiṃ na kabahum̐ bisarihaiṃ, ve cāhe bisarāya । ve mere priyatama prāṇeśvara, hama abalā asahāya । hama saba bhaīṃ sanātana cerī, ve cāhe ṭhukarāya । citavata paṃtha raina dina daihauṃ, aganita janama bitāya । pai kṛpālu ko bhaya piya jaga soṃ, tava paratīti na jāya । prema rasa madirā
“O Uddhav! Convey this message to your friend as it is. He should not try to be-fool us. We have accepted Him as our beloved. In other words we have solely surrendered our life to Him. Now we cannot even die unless it is His wish. He might not have submitted His life to us but we have. So, we will wait for Him for millions of lives until He decides to come back. We, however, do fear that the world will lose faith in His graciousness”.
समर्था रति तो गोविंद राधे। सर्वोच्च भक्ति महाभाव दिला दे॥ राधा गोविंद गीत 5648
samarthā rati to goviṃda rādhe। sarvocca bhakti mahā bhāva dilā de॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5648
samarthā rati to goviṃda rādhe। sarvocca bhakti mahā bhāva dilā de॥ rādhā goviṃda gīta 5648
Those with samartha rati rise to the level of Mahabhav bhakti .
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