Vedas are the authority (विनिर्गत ग्रंथ) of sanatan-vedic-dharm which is called Hinduism in the modern times. Vedas proclaim that Shri Krishna is the Brahma-Supreme God. Ved Vyas has explained that He appears mainly in three different forms, i.e. Brahma, Paramātmā and Bhagavāna.
The Shrimad Bhagawat Mahapuran asserts – वदन्ति तत्त्तत्वविदस् तत्त्वं यज्ज्ञानमद्वयम् ।
ब्रह्मेति पर्मात्मेति भगवानिति शब्द्यते ॥ भा १.२.११ vadanti tatttatvavidas tattvaṃ yajjñānamadvayambrahmeti । parmātmeti bhagavāniti śabdyate ॥ bhā 1.2.11 |
This formless appearance of Shri Krishna is known as Brahma (ब्रह्म). Although, each form of God possesses innumerable divine powers yet He does not reveal His name, divine form, pastimes, attributes, abode and associates in this form. In this form He only keeps His existence as the invisible ocean of unlimited bliss.
रूपं यत्तत्प्राहुरव्यक्त्तमाद्यं, ब्रह्मज्योतिर्निर्गुणं निर्विकारम्।
सत्तामात्रं र्निर्विशेषं निरीहं, सत्वं साक्षाद् विष्णुरध्यात्म दीपः ।। rūpaṃ yattatprāhuravyakttamādyaṃ, brahmajyotirnirguṇaṃ nirvikāram। sattāmātraṃ rnirviśeṣaṃ nirīhaṃ, satvaṃ sākṣād viṣṇuradhyātma dīpaḥ ।। The Gyanis (see Gyan) worship Shri Krishna in this invisible form.

Devotees in Baikunth Lok, worship Lord MahaVishnu and sing His glories. But, they do not enjoy physical intimacy or closeness with Him. This Maha Vishnu form of Shri Krishna is known as Paramātmā (परमात्मा). Maha Vishnu is ever adorned with four arms, each holding a conch, disc, club and lotus. His permanent divine abode is Baikunth Dham. He reveals His name, form, abode and attributes but does not exhibit any pastimes or have any associates.
Baikunth is a place of unlimited majesty. His divine form with four arms, the radiance (तेज) and speed (गति) of His disc (सुदर्शन चक्र), the club (गदा) are constant reminders that He is omnipotent God. Those who follow the path of Yoga and the devotees, who worship Lord Vishnu, go to divine abode of Baikunth where they get a beautiful divine form (2) similar to that of Lord Maha Vishnu. In Vaikunth they respect Him and bask in His glory. But cannot have any closeness with Him.
Paramātmā dwells in the hearts of all the living beings and witnesses all their actions. He also gives fruits of their actions. (1)
Baikunth is a place of unlimited majesty. His divine form with four arms, the radiance (तेज) and speed (गति) of His disc (सुदर्शन चक्र), the club (गदा) are constant reminders that He is omnipotent God. Those who follow the path of Yoga and the devotees, who worship Lord Vishnu, go to divine abode of Baikunth where they get a beautiful divine form (2) similar to that of Lord Maha Vishnu. In Vaikunth they respect Him and bask in His glory. But cannot have any closeness with Him.
Paramātmā dwells in the hearts of all the living beings and witnesses all their actions. He also gives fruits of their actions. (1)

The third form of Shri Krishna is known as Bhagavāna (भगवान). His divine abode is Golok. In this form Shri Krishna conceals His majesty (ऐश्वर्य) then descends on Earth in a human form with the sole purpose of distributing love to deserving souls. He is endowed with names (नाम), form(रूप), pastimes(लीला), attributes (गुण), abode (धाम)and His associates (परिकर).
In this form, the Supreme God hides His divinity and comes down to the level of the common man. Then He showers love abundantly on His devotees through ever-new fun-filled pastimes. His pastimes are most edifying as well. Thus, it is the sweetest form of God. Therefore, worshiping this form is the easiest way to realize God. In this form devotees do not fear the majesty(ऐश्वर्य) of Paramātmā. Devotees who worship Lord Krishna in this form, do not need to walk the arduous path of Gyan Marg to reach the apex of renunciation (see Difference between the vairagya of gyani and bhakt). Those who worship this form of Bhagavāna attain divine bliss and Golok Dham or Saket lok.
Examples of this form are Shri Krishna, Shri Ram.
In this form, the Supreme God hides His divinity and comes down to the level of the common man. Then He showers love abundantly on His devotees through ever-new fun-filled pastimes. His pastimes are most edifying as well. Thus, it is the sweetest form of God. Therefore, worshiping this form is the easiest way to realize God. In this form devotees do not fear the majesty(ऐश्वर्य) of Paramātmā. Devotees who worship Lord Krishna in this form, do not need to walk the arduous path of Gyan Marg to reach the apex of renunciation (see Difference between the vairagya of gyani and bhakt). Those who worship this form of Bhagavāna attain divine bliss and Golok Dham or Saket lok.
Examples of this form are Shri Krishna, Shri Ram.

It seems that Brahma, Paramātmā and Bhagavāna are the same. Are they?
Yes, just like water, ice and vapor are three forms of water with different properties. Brahma, Paramātmā and Bhagavāna are different aspects of the same Brahma-Supreme God. Unlike material water which can exist in one state at any given time, all three aspects of God have coexisted since eternity. Also, Their attributes are eternal too.
Yes, just like water, ice and vapor are three forms of water with different properties. Brahma, Paramātmā and Bhagavāna are different aspects of the same Brahma-Supreme God. Unlike material water which can exist in one state at any given time, all three aspects of God have coexisted since eternity. Also, Their attributes are eternal too.
चयस्विषामित्यवधारितं पुरा ततः शरीरीति विभाविताकृतिम्।
विभुर्विभक्तावयवं पुमान इति क्रमादमुन्नारद इत्यबोधि सः ॥ शिशुपाल वध
cayasviṣāmityavadhāritaṃ purā tataḥ śarīrīti vibhāvitākṛtim।
vibhurvibhaktāvayavaṃ pumāna iti kramādamunnārada ityabodhi saḥ ॥ śiśupāla vadha
Once, in Dwarka, the courtiers in Shri Krishna’s palace saw a bright light descend from the skies. Everybody was curious to know what it was. As the light continued to descend further, a bright shape materialized. They presumed that a celestial god (devata) was descending, which made them happy. Soon they realized that it was Narad Ji, who they very warmly welcomed to their kingdom. This “light” form of God is comparable to the impersonal form, Brahma(ब्रह्म).
The Gyani (see Gyan) worships the Brahma form. They enjoy the Supreme God as a spot of light with no name (नाम), no form(रूप), no pastimes(लीला), no attributes (गुण), no abode (धाम) and no associates (परिकर). Our mind is accustomed to focus on a form. With no visual form to meditate upon, following Gyan Marg becomes extremely difficult for aspirants. निराधार मन चकृत धावे ।
nirādhāra mana cakṛta dhāve । Seeing a bright form the anxiousness of the courtiers was replaced by eagerness to meet the devata. This is comparable to Paramātmā. The yogis (see Yoga) worship and enjoy this divine form along with His names, attributes and abode.
When Saint Narad descended further and they could see him clearly, they were delighted to have his association. This is comparable to the form of Bhagavāna. When God descends on the earth in human form and plays, enjoys a meal and does all other things like a human, seeing Him in this form, no one can fathom that "He is God". It is in this form that other human beings can love Him freely. This was the state of the inhabitants of Braj who never glorified Shri Krishna as Bhagavan-Shri Krishna. Having no inkling of His divinity they loved Him wholeheartedly like their friend, child and beloved. |
People have different tendencies based on their sanskaars. Because God is a wish-granting tree (kalp-vriksha कल्प वृक्ष), He gives whatever one wishes. He is gracious that is why He has these three forms to suit people's devotional sentiment called bhav. He has also described the outcome of worshiping each of the forms. And He lets Jeev make the choice of which form to worship.
There is only one Supreme Entity - Shri Krishna. He has eternally existed in multiple forms. Devotees worshipping all different forms of Shri Krishna attain God realization. Those seekers, who wish to follow the easiest path which delivers the sweetest results, choose to worship Bhagavāna. Performing bhakti to this form of God delivers the highest kind of bliss, a devotee can aspire for. So, one should know about all the forms of God and the characteristics associated with each form and choose the one that suits one’s temperament.
There is only one Supreme Entity - Shri Krishna. He has eternally existed in multiple forms. Devotees worshipping all different forms of Shri Krishna attain God realization. Those seekers, who wish to follow the easiest path which delivers the sweetest results, choose to worship Bhagavāna. Performing bhakti to this form of God delivers the highest kind of bliss, a devotee can aspire for. So, one should know about all the forms of God and the characteristics associated with each form and choose the one that suits one’s temperament.
तीन रूप श्री कृष्ण को, वेदव्यास बताय ।
ब्रह्म और परमात्मा, अरु भगवान कहाय ॥ भक्ति शतक २१
According to Veda Vyas, Shri Krishna has eternally existed in three forms - Brahma, Paramātmā and Bhagavāna.
Bhakti Shatak 21
- Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Maharaj |