Panch Mahabhoot
The five gross elements of nature called Panch Mahabhoot
The cosmic world is made of Panch Mahabhoot (पन्च महाभूत panca mahābhūta)or five gross elements. They are also referred to as panch tattva (पन्चतत्त्व pancatattva). Each of these elements is called bhoot.
Before sansaar-The World was created there was nothing. Then, Lord Brahma (creator) produced everything from nothing. The modern day scientists construct new things from already existing things. They invent new things using existing objects for example electricity already exists in the water, the scientists found a way to produce it to be usable. But, fathom the power of Lord Brahma who created the entire universe out of nothing at all.
Vedas describe the process of creation
Before sansaar-The World was created there was nothing. Then, Lord Brahma (creator) produced everything from nothing. The modern day scientists construct new things from already existing things. They invent new things using existing objects for example electricity already exists in the water, the scientists found a way to produce it to be usable. But, fathom the power of Lord Brahma who created the entire universe out of nothing at all.
Vedas describe the process of creation
तस्माद्वा एतस्मादात्मन आकाशः संभूतः । आकाशाद्वायुः । वायोरग्निः ।अग्नेरापः ।अद्भ्यः पृथिवी ।
पृथिव्या ओषधयः । ओषधीभ्योऽन्नम्। अन्नात्। पुरुषः । स वा एष पुरुषोऽन्नरसमयः ॥
पृथिव्या ओषधयः । ओषधीभ्योऽन्नम्। अन्नात्। पुरुषः । स वा एष पुरुषोऽन्नरसमयः ॥
tasmādvā etasmādātmana ākāśaḥ saṁbhūtaḥ । ākāśādvāyuḥ । vāyoragniḥ ।agnerāpaḥ ।adbhyaḥ pr̥thivī ।
pr̥thivyāṁoṣadhayaḥ । oṣadhībhyo'nnam। annāt। puruṣaḥ । sa vā eṣa puruṣo'nnarasamayaḥ ॥
pr̥thivyāṁoṣadhayaḥ । oṣadhībhyo'nnam। annāt। puruṣaḥ । sa vā eṣa puruṣo'nnarasamayaḥ ॥
During creation these panch tattva emerge from Panchtanmattra.
The creator Lord Brahma first created akash (आकाश ākāśa) which means empty space. It is also referred to as sky or ether. Empty space was created means before creation there was no empty space. This concept is rather difficult to imagine. Any empty space, even the empty spaces inside a body, is also called ākāśa. In Sanskrit pitcher is called ghat (घट). So the space inside ghat is be called ghatakash (घटाकाश ghaṭākāśa). Attribute of ākāśa is shabda (sound) .
Air or vāyu (वायु vāyu) is created from ākāśa. Air has two attributes: air sparsha (touch) along with shabda (sound).
The third element is fire or teja (तेज teja) is created from vāyu (वायु). Its attribute is roop (form) along with shabda (sound) and sparsha (touch).
The fourth element is water or jal (जल jala) is created from teja (तेज). Its attribute is rasa (taste) along with roop (form), shabda (sound) and sparsha (touch).
The fifth and last element is earth or pṛithvi (पृथ्वी pr̥thvī) is created from jal (जल). Its attribute is gandha (odor), along with rasa (taste) roop (form), shabda (sound) and sparsha (touch).
क्षिति जल पावक गगन समीरा । पंचतत्त्व यह बना शरीरा ।
kṣiti jala pāvaka gagana samīrā । paṁcatattva yaha banā śarīrā ।
kṣiti jala pāvaka gagana samīrā । paṁcatattva yaha banā śarīrā ।
"Our body is also made of these five gross elements". Deficiency of anyone of these in our body causes daihik taap.
The last of the panch tattva earth produces grains. Our body is created from those grains and is nourished by them throughout the life time. When the body dies all the elements return to the earth and the cycle continues.
Note: Please don't confuse these gross elements with the elements in Chemistry mentioned in the periodic table. All those elements are part of the gross element Earth .
The last of the panch tattva earth produces grains. Our body is created from those grains and is nourished by them throughout the life time. When the body dies all the elements return to the earth and the cycle continues.
Note: Please don't confuse these gross elements with the elements in Chemistry mentioned in the periodic table. All those elements are part of the gross element Earth .
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