We discussed about COVID-19 and its effect on health and its subtle effect on our mindset, our life and several issues related to COVID-19.
This virus has also impacted the financial situation of individuals. The businesses have shut down, factories are closed and stock markets are flaky. In US over 40 million people have filed unemployment which is higher than during the Great Depression, the worst economic downturn in 1929. In India a lot of daily wage workers are unable to earn a living. All this uncertainty is causing anxiety, worry and fear in the minds of people. Couple health issues and financial-insecurity with social-distancing and the situation feel pretty glum (see Combat Lonliness Depression Etc). |
In this edition we will discuss more about financial impacts and the mindset to adopt about it.
In Hitopadesh it is written
In Hitopadesh it is written
आयुः कर्म च वित्तं च विद्या निधनमेव च। पंचैत्यान्यपि सृज्यन्ते गर्भस्थस्यैव देहिनः ॥
āyuḥ karma ca vittaṃ ca vidyā nidhanameva ca। paṃcaityānyapi sṛjyante garbhasthasyaiva dehinaḥ ॥
“Five things are predestined – age, profession, wealth, education and mode of death.”
This verse highlights that wealth and physical comforts are also predestined. Worrying about it will not change the outcome. Saint Bhatṛhari said
This verse highlights that wealth and physical comforts are also predestined. Worrying about it will not change the outcome. Saint Bhatṛhari said
यद्धात्रा निजभालपट्टलिखितं स्तोकं महद्वा धनम्, तत्प्राप्नोति मरुस्थलेऽपि नितरां, मेरौ ततो नाधिकम्।
तद्धीरो भव वित्तवत्सु कृपणां वृत्तिं वृथा मा कृथाः, कूपे पश्य पयोनिधावपि घटो गृह्णाति तुल्यं धनम्॥
तद्धीरो भव वित्तवत्सु कृपणां वृत्तिं वृथा मा कृथाः, कूपे पश्य पयोनिधावपि घटो गृह्णाति तुल्यं धनम्॥
yaddhātrā nijabhālapaṭṭalikhitaṃ stokaṃ mahadvā dhanam, tatprāpnoti marusthale'pi nitarāṃ, merau tato nādhikam।
taddhīro bhava vittavatsu kṛpaṇāṃ vṛttiṃ vṛthā mā kṛthāḥ, kūpe paśya payonidhāvapi ghaṭo gṛhṇāti tulyaṃ dhanam॥
taddhīro bhava vittavatsu kṛpaṇāṃ vṛttiṃ vṛthā mā kṛthāḥ, kūpe paśya payonidhāvapi ghaṭo gṛhṇāti tulyaṃ dhanam॥
“If you are destined to receive something, then indisputably you will receive it, even if you were not here but in a far-away desert. On the other hand, you will not receive a penny more than what you are destined for, even if you were seated on top of Mt. Sumeru (mountain of gold). The amount of water you can fill in a pot depends on the size of your pot and not the size of the water source, even if its an ocean you dip it into. Hence one should be satisfied with whatever one gets as per destiny.”
We get wealth or money, needed to survive, according to the actions of our previous lives; nothing more or nothing less than what is predestined for us can be acheived. With a lot of effort we can get a little more than destined but that money will be lost or stolen, because it was not supposed to be in our possession, as ordained by our destiny. Privation of money, despite sincere efforts, is an indication of the result of our past karma. Having a firm knowledge and understanding of this philosophy, will help you stay calm and positive even in adverse situations. (see Why work for what is predestined?) The great saint, Prahlad was the son of demon king Hrinyakashyapu. When he was just five years old, his classmates who were the sons of demons in Hrinyakashyapu’s kingdom, asked Prahlad, “why do you tell us to remember and love God while we are interested only in material accomplishments”? |
Bhakt Prahlad answered –
सुखमैन्द्रियकं दैत्या देहयोनेन देहिनाम्।
सर्वत्र लभ्यते दैवात्। यथा दुःखमयत्नतः ।
सर्वत्र लभ्यते दैवात्। यथा दुःखमयत्नतः ।
भा ७.६.३
sukham aindriyakaṁ daityā, deha-yogena dehinām
sarvatra labhyate daivād, yathā duḥkham ayatnataḥ
sarvatra labhyate daivād, yathā duḥkham ayatnataḥ
bhā 7.6.3
"O demon boys! In this world both physical happiness as well as agonies come to you according to your karma of past lives.”
Generally people are desirous of those five things which are predetermined. We will attain material happiness and pain according to our past karmas. The eternal bliss, which can never be overshadowed by miseries, can be attained only upon God realization. Without an understanding of this philosophy we grope around in the Sansaar-The World which is made of Maya looking for bliss. This can be rightly compared to the effort of trying to extract oil from sand. Now as we all know there is no oil in sand so it will never yield oil, even despite enormous efforts, it will all be in vain.
History confirms that only a handful of saints (like Prahlad, Dhruv, Ambarish) were rich. Most of the saints were poor yet they were always blissful.
History confirms that only a handful of saints (like Prahlad, Dhruv, Ambarish) were rich. Most of the saints were poor yet they were always blissful.

Reflect on this logically - why does a devotee not feel distressed? Once a king visited Jesus Christ. Jesus’s cottage was bare except a mat and a few pots. The king was very surprised. He asked Jesus, “My palace is full of luxuries, yet I am not happy. How can you smile despite living in such poverty?”
Jesus replied, ““you can also attain the same smile, only when you are willing to give up all that you have.” The king asked “Can I give up 50%?” Jesus smiled and said,”then you will get only 50% of bliss”.
Now the question arises, does the God, who does not need a reason to grace people, favor only the devotees?
Jesus replied, ““you can also attain the same smile, only when you are willing to give up all that you have.” The king asked “Can I give up 50%?” Jesus smiled and said,”then you will get only 50% of bliss”.
Now the question arises, does the God, who does not need a reason to grace people, favor only the devotees?
Moreover, God is an ocean of bliss. Thinking about God means bringing the ocean of happiness within our mind. When we frequently start remembering God lovingly we gradually experience more bliss and that bliss helps us forget the miseries of the world. The bliss we attain from his remembrance encourages us to remember Him more and more. This practice takes the mind away from the world and engages it in God. Thus, a devotee does not feel deprived of material wealth once they attain the ultimate goal of life, the divine happiness which is unlimited, eternal, and ever increasing. After relishing unlimited, ever increasing divine bliss, who would care for the momentary pleasure of the senses?
Tulsidas Ji asserts -
Tulsidas Ji asserts -
सोई सुख लवलेश, बारेक जो सपनेहुँ लहहि ।
ते नहिं गनहिं खगेश, ब्रह्म सुखहिं सज्जन सुमत ॥
soī sukha lavaleśa, bāreka jo sapanehum̐ lahahi ।
te nahiṃ ganahiṃ khageśa, brahma sukhahiṃ sajjana sumata ॥
ते नहिं गनहिं खगेश, ब्रह्म सुखहिं सज्जन सुमत ॥
soī sukha lavaleśa, bāreka jo sapanehum̐ lahahi ।
te nahiṃ ganahiṃ khageśa, brahma sukhahiṃ sajjana sumata ॥
"if someone attains a tiniest drop of the bliss of God just once even in dream, then he does not care for the pleasures of the abode of Brahma (creator), the most luxurious of all celestial abodes.”
So, if you are really scared of the cosmic problems, increase your faith and devotion to God. Because –
So, if you are really scared of the cosmic problems, increase your faith and devotion to God. Because –
आनंदो ब्रह्मेति व्यजानात् ।
ānando brahmeti vyajānāt ।
“God is happiness”.
No-one else is endowed with even a drop of happiness. Attainment of happiness through wealth is a mere illusion.
No-one else is endowed with even a drop of happiness. Attainment of happiness through wealth is a mere illusion.
In fact, it might be surprising to know that devotees don’t get any special favors from God. Yet they do not seem to feel any pain or suffering, like others. Let us understand this with our personal experience. We know and realize that when our mind is engrossed in something, we tend not to see nor hear anything even though someone is standing next to us and calling our name. Scriptures also validate that a person’s mind can engage in only one thing at a time. This is because our mind can only do one thing at a time. So, as long as our mind is focused on God, it cannot focus on any physical or mental pain or pleasure. So, for that duration of time, when the mind is focused on God, all worldly pain or pleasure is forgotten.
Wealth does not satisfy the desires of even the wealthiest people in the world like Bill Gates and Mukesh Ambani. These people stand nowhere in comparison to the wealth of Bali, who was the king of the Earth in Satyug (see Kaal-Time) and was endowed with many great powers.
When Shri Krishna approached him as Lord Vaman and asked for 3 steps of land, Bali laughed and said,”you should ask for precious jewels, cities, elephants and horses and other luxurious items to satisfy yourself forever”. Shri Krishna in disguise of a Brahmin child said,”Bali! Nobody gets satisfied with any amount of wealth. You have so much!! Are you satisfied? If yes, then what’s the purpose of performing this yagya?” |
So, God has given us a golden opportunity in the form of this Lockdown to attain ‘Him’, the Divine bliss. Be wise and avail the most of this rare opportunity. Enough running behind the world for happiness. Turn towards the real happiness (God), who is waiting to embrace us with open arms. Seek guidance and shelter of a God-realized saint and attain your ultimate goal of life. You will never find an opportunity better than this free time during Lockdown.
अस अवसर फिर नाहिं मिलैगो, बातन मोर पतीजिये।
पिय मोल अमोलक लीजिए।। ( प्रेम रस मदिरा, पृष्ठ संख्या 35 ,पद संख्या 63 )
Listen to me: You will not get this golden opportunity ever again. Now is the time to make Shri Krishna your divine beloved and it does not cost you even a penny.
- Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
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