Afflictions or sufferings of the material world are called tritaap (त्रिताप). tri (त्रि) means three and taap (ताप) means afflictions, thus as the name suggests these afflictions can be divided into three categories.
1. Daihik taap (दैहिक ताप daihika tāpa): Also called adhyatmik taap (आध्यात्मिक ādhyātmika tāpa), these sufferings are
a. mental diseases like anger, passion, greed, ego, misapprehension etc and b. physical diseases (e.g. cough, fever, cancer etc) caused by imbalance of tridosh. Daivik Taap (दैविक ताप daivika tāpa) are sufferings caused by nature like storms, floods, drought etc. This is also called aadhideivik taap (आधिदैविक ताप ādhidaivika tāpa) .
Bhautik taap (भौतिक ताप), also referred to as aadhibhautik taap (आधिभौतिक ताप), are material sufferings caused by other humans, animals, insects etc.
Every Jeev, before God realization, is subjected to these afflictions. As one performs bhakti the impact of these taap starts to reduce on that jeev.
However, after God realization, even though the jeev might continue to inhabit this earth yet these sufferings cannot affect the Jeev (आत्मा या जीव). And in the divine abode Maya can't enter hence these afflictions have no place there.
Every Jeev, before God realization, is subjected to these afflictions. As one performs bhakti the impact of these taap starts to reduce on that jeev.
However, after God realization, even though the jeev might continue to inhabit this earth yet these sufferings cannot affect the Jeev (आत्मा या जीव). And in the divine abode Maya can't enter hence these afflictions have no place there.