The HopeSunahu Sadhak Pyare - Part 22
If the Jeev stays entangled in Maya, then one day he may meet a saint and the saint will tell him about God. Then, if that Jeev understands the philosophy and starts his practice of devotion per the instructions of his Guru and completely surrenders himself unto Him, he can attain God’s love-bliss. This is not impossible. Innumerable saints have attained Braj Ras.
You are practicing devotion. In this stage you practice to focus on the divine form of God. The next stage of devotion is called ‘Bhav Bhakti’. At this stage, a devotee’s mind naturally focuses on God, without having to put any effort into it. And whenever your mind is distracted from the thoughts of God, you will feel like you have lost something very precious.
If however, you were to commit a spiritual transgression, even at this evolved stage, your downfall is inevitable. You will lose all your spiritual wealth.
We are so proud of our own intellect that we start judging (having ill feeling towards) God and Godrealized saints. Later we realize and repent having committed a spiritual transgression. Due to this habit of ours we take a few steps forward and then fall down again. We again get up , start walking and again fall back. We don’t realize the mistake that we keep committing over and over again. If we were to realize then we would be cautious and not commit that error over and over again.
Chaitanya Mahaprahu coded his entire philosophy in 8 shlokas
We are so proud of our own intellect that we start judging (having ill feeling towards) God and Godrealized saints. Later we realize and repent having committed a spiritual transgression. Due to this habit of ours we take a few steps forward and then fall down again. We again get up , start walking and again fall back. We don’t realize the mistake that we keep committing over and over again. If we were to realize then we would be cautious and not commit that error over and over again.
Chaitanya Mahaprahu coded his entire philosophy in 8 shlokas
In the world, it does not happen that a person can sit inside his name. But Shri Krishna out of His sheer grace established himself in his name along with all His powers. He did not make any rules about when and where to call out to Him.
There is no restriction that you can in pious places like a temple. He has granted you freedom to sit and call Him out with absolute faith that He is sitting in His name. You don’t have this faith. If you had this faith that Radha Rani, who is served by the Supreme God Shri Krishna, is sitting in Her name and that name is what I am saying, then you will get goose bumps. You will have a lump in your throat, you will be ecstatic and won’t be able to say Her name even once.
God is sitting in his name we don’t have this faith, because we do spiritual transgressions. Hence all our spiritual earning is lost.
God is sitting in his name we don’t have this faith, because we do spiritual transgressions. Hence all our spiritual earning is lost.
One more point to be addressed. Along with God you should have the same faith and devotion towards your Guru.
The one who worships God and Guru, attains the ultimate goal.
Worshipping your Guru alone, also yields the same result. However, worshipping Shri Krishna alone will not yield the desired result Guru since he is the mediator between God and you.
Worshipping your Guru alone, also yields the same result. However, worshipping Shri Krishna alone will not yield the desired result Guru since he is the mediator between God and you.
This is the last nugget of information.
You now know the do’s and the don cleansed of all attachments. Once the mind gets cleansed, the divine love into it. Once the mind gets cleansed, the Guru makes your mind divine and pours divine love into it. Once the soul attains divine love, God becomes your servant.
You now know the do’s and the don cleansed of all attachments. Once the mind gets cleansed, the divine love into it. Once the mind gets cleansed, the Guru makes your mind divine and pours divine love into it. Once the soul attains divine love, God becomes your servant.
Shri Krishna loves his devotees so much that he says, “I walk behind my devotees so that their foot-dust falls on me and I become pure”. That is the limit of His love for His devotees.
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