Panch Pran
You must have heard that the gross material body called sthool sharir (स्थूल शरीर) is made up of Panch Mahabhoot called 5 gross elements called bhoot. One of those bhoot is air or vayu. Pranas (प्राण) are that vayu and are the vital force which keeps the body functioning properly. According to their function it can be divided into 5 types :
Imbalance of these 5 vital forces is one of the causes of physical ailments which are also termed as adhyatmik taap (आध्यात्मिक ताप). You must have heard about Pranayam in modern age yoga science. The literal meaning of ayam is "exercising", so exercising the 5 airs in the body is Pranayam.
Literally, Pranayam means breathing exercises targeted for balancing the five forms of air for body to function adequately.
- Pran (प्राण) - This pervades the region from the throat to the heart. All organs of the chest including heart and lungs are maintained by Praan . Praan is linked to the aakaash (ether). Imbalance of pran results in anxiety, shortness of breath, asthma, dullness of the mind/body.
- Udan (उदान) - Udana air pervades the area of throat, face and head region. It is responsible for all the sensory organs and functioning of the brain. It also controls hands and legs. This air helps the soul leave the body at the time of death.
- Saman (समान) - It pervades the region between the heart and the navel and invigorates the digestive organs and controls the juices emanating from them. Thus, it helps in maintaining metabolism.
- Apan (अपान) - It is located below the navel region. It controls organs situated between the naval and the perineum including, small and large intestine, kidneys, urinary system and reproductive systems. Elimination of waste as faeces, gas and urine is done by Apana Vayu.
- Vyan (व्यान) - It pervades the entire body. Whenever there is a shortage of energy in any part of the body, Vyana Vayu immediately sends the required nutrients to the cells to produce the energy. It is like an ever active backup store of energy for all the parts of body. It also helps in muscular movements.
Imbalance of these 5 vital forces is one of the causes of physical ailments which are also termed as adhyatmik taap (आध्यात्मिक ताप). You must have heard about Pranayam in modern age yoga science. The literal meaning of ayam is "exercising", so exercising the 5 airs in the body is Pranayam.
Literally, Pranayam means breathing exercises targeted for balancing the five forms of air for body to function adequately.
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