2009 Jagadguruttam Divas
A Unique Family FeudAn eternal fight, but it does not need to stay this way. You can intervene and end it.
Prescriptions by Dr. KripaluPrognosis of Dr Kripalu and treatments
Answers by Banchary DidiQuestions by devotees
Kripalu Leelamritam
Lesson from a trapped catAn unforgettable lesson
Kid's Corner
Pranky Little KrishnaDevotional Humor |
A Unique Family Feud
A concise translation of one of the lecture of Shri Kripalu Ji MaharajTwo parties have been arguing about an issue since eternity, but the solution is nowhere in sight. Since the argument has gone on since eternity, it is obvious that the two parties must be eternal. This statement leads to many questions. Questions like
So let us start answering them
One of the parties is God. God!! But God is invincible. Who can argue or fight with God?
“Maya?” Nope. Maya is a servant of God and how can a servant fight with the master!
“Individual Soul or jiva?” Nope. Soul is the son of God and It is said to be “Akarta” – A non-performer of action.
Then who is the other party?”
- Who are the two involved parties?
- And what are they arguing about?
- Why hasn't either party won so far?
So let us start answering them
One of the parties is God. God!! But God is invincible. Who can argue or fight with God?
“Maya?” Nope. Maya is a servant of God and how can a servant fight with the master!
“Individual Soul or jiva?” Nope. Soul is the son of God and It is said to be “Akarta” – A non-performer of action.
Then who is the other party?”
The son of God, jiva has a servant called the Mind. The Mind is fighting with God since eternity. Surprising! The son of a maid dares fight with his mother’s master!!! And Almighty God is unable to win the battle even after uncountable years? Yes. So, what is the argument all about? Well that is unique too!!
Mind: I want Your grace to bring peace to my master jiva.
God: First surrender to Me 100%, then I will grace you with peace, contentment, infinite life, infinite knowledge and infinite happiness and everything that you desire for your master.
Mind: No. First grace me with infinite life, infinite knowledge and infinite happiness, peace, contentment and then I will surrender.
God: You will have to trust Me.
Mind: I want Your grace to bring peace to my master jiva.
God: First surrender to Me 100%, then I will grace you with peace, contentment, infinite life, infinite knowledge and infinite happiness and everything that you desire for your master.
Mind: No. First grace me with infinite life, infinite knowledge and infinite happiness, peace, contentment and then I will surrender.
God: You will have to trust Me.
Mind: Why?
God: You are asking Me to award My property to you. If you want My property, you must first surrender to Me.
Mind: I don't know how to surrender.
God: Of course you do!!! You do that all the time in the material world.
Mind: No I don’t! I have never ever surrendered to anyone!! Please give me an example where I have surrendered to someone.
God: (Laughing) You a slave of anger, passion, greed and lust is saying this! You are bound to surrender yourself in the material world. Each time you develop any desire in this material world, you surrender to someone or something, to get that desire fulfilled. As a baby you surrendered to your mother when you were hungry. And, as an adult you bow down to your spouse, son, and friends etc. whenever you desire anything from them. Similarly, bow down to Me now and I will grant all your wishes.
Mind: You are right. I do surrender to the people and objects of my desire. But to be honest with You, everyone has failed me each time giving false promises. My desire for happiness is yet unfulfilled. What if I surrender and You too don't grant my wish like the others?
God: Trust Me once and see for yourself.
Mind: Why should I trust you? Everyone says the same thing and then deceives me.
God: Because all worldly beings are devoid of happiness much like yourself. One cannot grant something that they do not possess. I am happiness personified. You just have to turn towards Me and you will get unlimited happiness forever.
Mind: This is what I have been hearing from every one since eternity. I don't believe in false promises and do not trust anyone anymore including You. Bestow Your grace first then I will have a reason to trust.
God: You don’t trust anyone!! How about when you want to deposit $1000 in the bank, you take it to the teller and hand your money to the cashier, who then issues you a deposit receipt in that amount? You trust the cashier completely. Don’t you? Or do you demand that he give you the receipt before you give him the money?
Mind: No. I have to trust him.
God: Just the same way, have unconditional trust in Me.
Thus the argument continues.
God: You are asking Me to award My property to you. If you want My property, you must first surrender to Me.
Mind: I don't know how to surrender.
God: Of course you do!!! You do that all the time in the material world.
Mind: No I don’t! I have never ever surrendered to anyone!! Please give me an example where I have surrendered to someone.
God: (Laughing) You a slave of anger, passion, greed and lust is saying this! You are bound to surrender yourself in the material world. Each time you develop any desire in this material world, you surrender to someone or something, to get that desire fulfilled. As a baby you surrendered to your mother when you were hungry. And, as an adult you bow down to your spouse, son, and friends etc. whenever you desire anything from them. Similarly, bow down to Me now and I will grant all your wishes.
Mind: You are right. I do surrender to the people and objects of my desire. But to be honest with You, everyone has failed me each time giving false promises. My desire for happiness is yet unfulfilled. What if I surrender and You too don't grant my wish like the others?
God: Trust Me once and see for yourself.
Mind: Why should I trust you? Everyone says the same thing and then deceives me.
God: Because all worldly beings are devoid of happiness much like yourself. One cannot grant something that they do not possess. I am happiness personified. You just have to turn towards Me and you will get unlimited happiness forever.
Mind: This is what I have been hearing from every one since eternity. I don't believe in false promises and do not trust anyone anymore including You. Bestow Your grace first then I will have a reason to trust.
God: You don’t trust anyone!! How about when you want to deposit $1000 in the bank, you take it to the teller and hand your money to the cashier, who then issues you a deposit receipt in that amount? You trust the cashier completely. Don’t you? Or do you demand that he give you the receipt before you give him the money?
Mind: No. I have to trust him.
God: Just the same way, have unconditional trust in Me.
Thus the argument continues.
Jiva: Father! You know my servant, the son of Maya, is ignorant, uncivilized and stubborn. It will never accept its defeat. I, Your very own son, has been suffering since eternity due to its obstinate nature. None can defeat You, the Almighty Father of all. I beg You, to please accept defeat and end this feud and make me an heir to Your divine property.
God: Do you accept the relationship that you claimed we share i.e. I am your father and you are My son? You say you are My son, but you keep fighting with your physical sibling for inheriting the material property, house and jewelry of your physical father. Accept Me as your only father and all that is Mine is rightfully yours i.e. unconditional love, unbounded ever-increasing peace, divine happiness, contentment etc.
Jiva: Father! I admit I am at fault. I never considered You my own. But, the fact remains that I am Your child and You are silently watching me suffer since eternity and are not rescuing me. Even in the material world, when someone finds a lost child they try to locate the child's parent. If they cannot find the parents, they hand over the child to the police for safe custody. They don't leave the child and walk away. How can You, my own father, be a silent spectator to my sufferings? Being true to Your infinitely graceful nature, please rescue me.
God: I understand that you are making excuses because surrendering to Me is difficult for you. However, due to My compassionate and merciful nature, I will give you a concession. Just have 100% faith in the fact that I am causelessly-merciful and I will bestow My causeless mercy on you. I have blessed uncountable jiva, who believed in Me and I will do the same for you.
Jiva: Oh, that is difficult too! Accepting that you are causelessly - merciful means that I am admitting my infirmities! My ego does not let me do that.
God: My law is eternal and unbiased. There are no amendments to My laws. I have made it so simple for you. Forget about your obstinate servant – mind. Use your decisive and superior intellect to accept the fact that I am causelessly merciful. And that will be sufficient reason for Me to grant you your wish. Just as a girl, who marries a boy, accepts that everything that is his is hers also, you must accept the fact that I am your father and all My property will be yours.
Jiva: Oh! It is so true and tempting. Yet my mind is not ready to completely surrender. I will seriously ponder on it.
Mind is your servant. Don’t listen to your mind, rather take wise decision with your intellect. We are suffering only because we have become slave of our slave mind. With the proper use of intellect, even a child does not grab a sweet from the shop without making payment. And in lack of money he controls his mind and goes straight to the school. Our mind says do not get up so early in the morning, sleep more. But the intellect says, no. Get up and reach office on time, or lose the job. We listen to the intellect and get up to go. Precisely, when mind lusts for sensual pleasures, with the help of our intellect ponder deeply on the consequence of aspiring for those. Then divert the mind to God in order to deliver yourself from the miseries of the world.
Sharanagat vatsal Bhagawan ki Jai (Praise be to God who adores the surrendered souls)
Jiva: Father! You know my servant, the son of Maya, is ignorant, uncivilized and stubborn. It will never accept its defeat. I, Your very own son, has been suffering since eternity due to its obstinate nature. None can defeat You, the Almighty Father of all. I beg You, to please accept defeat and end this feud and make me an heir to Your divine property.
God: Do you accept the relationship that you claimed we share i.e. I am your father and you are My son? You say you are My son, but you keep fighting with your physical sibling for inheriting the material property, house and jewelry of your physical father. Accept Me as your only father and all that is Mine is rightfully yours i.e. unconditional love, unbounded ever-increasing peace, divine happiness, contentment etc.
Jiva: Father! I admit I am at fault. I never considered You my own. But, the fact remains that I am Your child and You are silently watching me suffer since eternity and are not rescuing me. Even in the material world, when someone finds a lost child they try to locate the child's parent. If they cannot find the parents, they hand over the child to the police for safe custody. They don't leave the child and walk away. How can You, my own father, be a silent spectator to my sufferings? Being true to Your infinitely graceful nature, please rescue me.
God: I understand that you are making excuses because surrendering to Me is difficult for you. However, due to My compassionate and merciful nature, I will give you a concession. Just have 100% faith in the fact that I am causelessly-merciful and I will bestow My causeless mercy on you. I have blessed uncountable jiva, who believed in Me and I will do the same for you.
Jiva: Oh, that is difficult too! Accepting that you are causelessly - merciful means that I am admitting my infirmities! My ego does not let me do that.
God: My law is eternal and unbiased. There are no amendments to My laws. I have made it so simple for you. Forget about your obstinate servant – mind. Use your decisive and superior intellect to accept the fact that I am causelessly merciful. And that will be sufficient reason for Me to grant you your wish. Just as a girl, who marries a boy, accepts that everything that is his is hers also, you must accept the fact that I am your father and all My property will be yours.
Jiva: Oh! It is so true and tempting. Yet my mind is not ready to completely surrender. I will seriously ponder on it.
Mind is your servant. Don’t listen to your mind, rather take wise decision with your intellect. We are suffering only because we have become slave of our slave mind. With the proper use of intellect, even a child does not grab a sweet from the shop without making payment. And in lack of money he controls his mind and goes straight to the school. Our mind says do not get up so early in the morning, sleep more. But the intellect says, no. Get up and reach office on time, or lose the job. We listen to the intellect and get up to go. Precisely, when mind lusts for sensual pleasures, with the help of our intellect ponder deeply on the consequence of aspiring for those. Then divert the mind to God in order to deliver yourself from the miseries of the world.
Sharanagat vatsal Bhagawan ki Jai (Praise be to God who adores the surrendered souls)
रोगी जीव
रोग माया
दवा ईश्वर एवं गुरु के प्रति भक्ति
सावधानी भौतिक कामनाओं से वैराग्य और मुक्ति की इच्छा
स्वास्थ्य ईश्वरीय प्रेम की प्राप्ति
रोग नुस्खा
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चिंता जोर-जोर से राधे-राधे गाओ ।
गुस्सा जब भी गुस्सा हावी हो जाए तो तुरंत अपना चेहरा आईने में देखो । अपना विकृत चेहरा देखकरआप हँसे बिना नहीं रह पाएँगे ।
तनाव कृपालु योग की तकनीक का उपयोग करें। सांस लेते समय मन में "रा" कहें। सांस छोड़ते समय मन में "धे" कहें। और श्री राधा या श्री कृष्ण या गुरु या उन सभी या उनमें से दो की उपस्थिति महसूस करें ।
दुःख सभी अनुकूल तथा प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियों में ईश्वर की कृपा को महसूस करें और ईश्वरीय कृपा के चमत्कारी परिणाम की प्रतीक्षा करें ।
बोरियत श्री महाराज जी के पास जायें। आप "बोरियत" शब्द ही भूल जायेंगे ।
रोग माया
दवा ईश्वर एवं गुरु के प्रति भक्ति
सावधानी भौतिक कामनाओं से वैराग्य और मुक्ति की इच्छा
स्वास्थ्य ईश्वरीय प्रेम की प्राप्ति
रोग नुस्खा
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चिंता जोर-जोर से राधे-राधे गाओ ।
गुस्सा जब भी गुस्सा हावी हो जाए तो तुरंत अपना चेहरा आईने में देखो । अपना विकृत चेहरा देखकरआप हँसे बिना नहीं रह पाएँगे ।
तनाव कृपालु योग की तकनीक का उपयोग करें। सांस लेते समय मन में "रा" कहें। सांस छोड़ते समय मन में "धे" कहें। और श्री राधा या श्री कृष्ण या गुरु या उन सभी या उनमें से दो की उपस्थिति महसूस करें ।
दुःख सभी अनुकूल तथा प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियों में ईश्वर की कृपा को महसूस करें और ईश्वरीय कृपा के चमत्कारी परिणाम की प्रतीक्षा करें ।
बोरियत श्री महाराज जी के पास जायें। आप "बोरियत" शब्द ही भूल जायेंगे ।
Prescriptions by Dr. Kripalu
Kripalu-Spiritual-AushadhiPatient Individual soul (Eternal)
Disease Maya
Medicine Devotion to God and Guru
Precaution Detachment from the material desires and desire of liberation
Health Attainment of divine love
Disease Prescription
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Anxiety Sing Radhey Radhey loudly.
Anger Whenever anger overcomes your mind, look at your face in the mirror immediately. You will laugh.
Tension Apply Kripalu Yoga. "When you inhale say 'Ra' in your mind. When you exhale say 'dhey' in your mind. And feel the presence of Shri Radha or Shri Krishna or Guru or all of them or two of them."
Sadness, Insecurity Feel the grace of God in all the positive or adverse situations and wait for the miraculous result of divine grace.
Boredom Go to Shri Maharaj Ji. You will forget about the word “boredom”.
Disease Maya
Medicine Devotion to God and Guru
Precaution Detachment from the material desires and desire of liberation
Health Attainment of divine love
Disease Prescription
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Anxiety Sing Radhey Radhey loudly.
Anger Whenever anger overcomes your mind, look at your face in the mirror immediately. You will laugh.
Tension Apply Kripalu Yoga. "When you inhale say 'Ra' in your mind. When you exhale say 'dhey' in your mind. And feel the presence of Shri Radha or Shri Krishna or Guru or all of them or two of them."
Sadness, Insecurity Feel the grace of God in all the positive or adverse situations and wait for the miraculous result of divine grace.
Boredom Go to Shri Maharaj Ji. You will forget about the word “boredom”.
Answers by Banchary Didi
Questions by devoteesQ. Didi Ji! What is pure devotion?
Devotion is unconditional love with the sole purpose of pleasing God. Pure devotion is absolutely free from any kind of desire for self- happiness
Devotion is unconditional love with the sole purpose of pleasing God. Pure devotion is absolutely free from any kind of desire for self- happiness
Q. What about the desire of liberation?
That is most dangerous desire. A real devotee completely refuses to achieve liberation. Shri Ram allured Kagbhushundi to ask for liberation. He refused. Shri Ram also allured Hanuman Ji, He also refused to get it and said:
That is most dangerous desire. A real devotee completely refuses to achieve liberation. Shri Ram allured Kagbhushundi to ask for liberation. He refused. Shri Ram also allured Hanuman Ji, He also refused to get it and said:
भवबंध्च्छिदे तस्मै स्पृहयामि न मुक्तये । भवान्प्रभुरहं दास इति विलुप्यते ।
bhavabaṃdhcchide tasmai spṛhayāmi na muktaye । bhavānprabhurahaṃ dāsa iti vilupyate ।
“I do not seek liberation at all, which will deprive me from the bliss of just thinking that I am a servant of Shri Ram.”
To enjoy something, duality is compulsory e.g. there needs to be two entities; fragrance and the one who enjoys that fragrance.In liberation, the Jeev’s personality is merged into the Supreme Being, and there is no more duality. Hence, one who is dwelling in the ocean of bliss permanently, loses the chance of enjoying the divine love bliss forever. That is why it is the most dangerous desire.
To enjoy something, duality is compulsory e.g. there needs to be two entities; fragrance and the one who enjoys that fragrance.In liberation, the Jeev’s personality is merged into the Supreme Being, and there is no more duality. Hence, one who is dwelling in the ocean of bliss permanently, loses the chance of enjoying the divine love bliss forever. That is why it is the most dangerous desire.
Q. What will inspire a devotee to increase his devotion to Lord Krishna then?
The concept of “achieving divine love-bliss” will constantly inspire them.
The concept of “achieving divine love-bliss” will constantly inspire them.
Q. Is it not a desire?
No, it is not. Because a true aspirant of divine love bliss, desires the love of Shri Radha Krishna in order to attain divine service. And the secret behind the desire of attaining divine service is exclusively to please Shri Radha Krishna alone with no trace of self - happiness.
No, it is not. Because a true aspirant of divine love bliss, desires the love of Shri Radha Krishna in order to attain divine service. And the secret behind the desire of attaining divine service is exclusively to please Shri Radha Krishna alone with no trace of self - happiness.
Q. Does it mean a devotee never enjoys bliss for self?
He enjoys the unlimited divine love bliss all the time. Shri Krishna receives pleasure from the selfless service rendered by His devotee. According to His law, He reciprocates the feelings of His devotee in the form of infinite Divine Happiness. In other words a selfless devotee gets the unlimited divine bliss perpetually seeing Shri Krishna’s happiness.
He enjoys the unlimited divine love bliss all the time. Shri Krishna receives pleasure from the selfless service rendered by His devotee. According to His law, He reciprocates the feelings of His devotee in the form of infinite Divine Happiness. In other words a selfless devotee gets the unlimited divine bliss perpetually seeing Shri Krishna’s happiness.
Q. What is the difference between a selfless Shri Krishna bhakta and an atheist if both of them are not making any desire of seeing and touching Shri Krishna?
An atheist (Nastik) does not believe that Shi Krishna exists. Thus, an atheist neither yearns for Him, nor does he care at all for His darshan and association etc. Unlike an atheist, a selfless devotee is always eager to see, touch, and serve Shri Krishna to please Him. A selfless devotee does not claim fulfillment of his own desires. Hence, when his desire is not fulfilled, he never gets disappointed, thus his devotion never decreases. Rather the humble thought that I am positively unworthy of His service or darshan, increases the purity of mind and love. And thus the devotee becomes closer to God. As Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, humility is the foundation stone of devotion.
An atheist (Nastik) does not believe that Shi Krishna exists. Thus, an atheist neither yearns for Him, nor does he care at all for His darshan and association etc. Unlike an atheist, a selfless devotee is always eager to see, touch, and serve Shri Krishna to please Him. A selfless devotee does not claim fulfillment of his own desires. Hence, when his desire is not fulfilled, he never gets disappointed, thus his devotion never decreases. Rather the humble thought that I am positively unworthy of His service or darshan, increases the purity of mind and love. And thus the devotee becomes closer to God. As Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, humility is the foundation stone of devotion.
तृणादपि सुनीचेन, तरोरपि सहिष्णुना, अमानिना मानदेन, कीर्तनीयः सदा हरिः ॥
trnaadapi suneechen, tarorapi sahishnunaam,
amaanina maanaden, keertanee yah sada harih |
"Be more humble than a blade of grass, be more forbearing than a tree, give respect to all and never desire respect for yourself."
Kripalu Leelamritam

Long time ago, Shri Maharaj Ji was staying with one of his devotees named Shri Mahabani Ji in Pratapgarh city.
It was summer time. All the devotees were sleeping in the big courtyard after performing Satsang. Suddenly they were woken up with some noise. Actually there was a cat, whose head was stuck in big pot of milk. She was trying hard to free her head. The devotees felt sorry and tried to help her. But whenever any devotee approached her to help, she wildly scratched them with her paws.
Hearing the noise, Shri Maharaj Ji also came out of His room and inquired what was happening. Seeing the cat in that state, Shri Maharaj Ji’s heart was filled with mercy. Maharaj Ji acted very quickly. And speculating the right direction, he suddenly pulled away the pot of milk and freed the cat.
Having been rescued, the cat quickly ran away. The devotees were impressed with Shri Maharaj Ji dexterity. They admired Him for His expert handling of the situation and rescuing the helpless creature.
They said, “Maharaj Ji! You did it so easily. When we tried to free her, she injured our hands badly”. Saying so, they showed their scratched arms to Shri Maharaj Ji.
Shri Maharaj Ji replied, “The poor cat was an ignorant creature and its actions were not at all surprising. Humans are intellectually superior to all other forms of life. Yet, when saints come to deliver you (humans) you act in much the same manner. Instead of achieving benefit of their association and teachings, you think that the saint is also a material being and has probably come to get something from us or worse still he has come to deceive us. Thinking so, you never listen to the Saints, let alone follow their teachings. And just like the selfish thankless cat that ran away after being freed, you are also not the least bit grateful to the saints for their untiring efforts to deliver you."
What an unforgettable lesson from seeming insignificant event!
It was summer time. All the devotees were sleeping in the big courtyard after performing Satsang. Suddenly they were woken up with some noise. Actually there was a cat, whose head was stuck in big pot of milk. She was trying hard to free her head. The devotees felt sorry and tried to help her. But whenever any devotee approached her to help, she wildly scratched them with her paws.
Hearing the noise, Shri Maharaj Ji also came out of His room and inquired what was happening. Seeing the cat in that state, Shri Maharaj Ji’s heart was filled with mercy. Maharaj Ji acted very quickly. And speculating the right direction, he suddenly pulled away the pot of milk and freed the cat.
Having been rescued, the cat quickly ran away. The devotees were impressed with Shri Maharaj Ji dexterity. They admired Him for His expert handling of the situation and rescuing the helpless creature.
They said, “Maharaj Ji! You did it so easily. When we tried to free her, she injured our hands badly”. Saying so, they showed their scratched arms to Shri Maharaj Ji.
Shri Maharaj Ji replied, “The poor cat was an ignorant creature and its actions were not at all surprising. Humans are intellectually superior to all other forms of life. Yet, when saints come to deliver you (humans) you act in much the same manner. Instead of achieving benefit of their association and teachings, you think that the saint is also a material being and has probably come to get something from us or worse still he has come to deceive us. Thinking so, you never listen to the Saints, let alone follow their teachings. And just like the selfish thankless cat that ran away after being freed, you are also not the least bit grateful to the saints for their untiring efforts to deliver you."
What an unforgettable lesson from seeming insignificant event!
Kid's Story
Once upon a time, there was a prince named Sudhanva. He was very religious and was a devotee of Shri Krishna. As per the tradition of his dynasty and kingdom all men were bound to have one wife only. Once, during Krishnaavtaar, when Shri Krishna and Arjun were travelling together for the accomplishment of Ashvamedh Yagya (Victory on the entire world campaign), Sudhanva decided to engage Arjun in a fight since he was desperate to see Krishna and also wanted to be killed at the hands of Shri Krishna.
At the time of bidding him farewell for the battle, Sudhanva’s wife joked with her husband, “Today you are going to break your vow of having one wife.”
Sudhanva asked with surprise, “Why?”
In a lighthearted vein she said, “Since you will embrace Mukti Devi (means liberation and it is a feminine noun) on being killed in the fight with Shri Krishna today.”
The king understood the joke and said jokingly, “you are also going to give up your vow of loyalty to your husband.”
“No. How would I?” The wife asked him.
He said, “After my death you will perform sati (willingly give up life by sitting in the pyre of dead husband). So you will embrace MOKSHA". Moksha means liberation. In Sanskrit it is a masculine noun
At the time of bidding him farewell for the battle, Sudhanva’s wife joked with her husband, “Today you are going to break your vow of having one wife.”
Sudhanva asked with surprise, “Why?”
In a lighthearted vein she said, “Since you will embrace Mukti Devi (means liberation and it is a feminine noun) on being killed in the fight with Shri Krishna today.”
The king understood the joke and said jokingly, “you are also going to give up your vow of loyalty to your husband.”
“No. How would I?” The wife asked him.
He said, “After my death you will perform sati (willingly give up life by sitting in the pyre of dead husband). So you will embrace MOKSHA". Moksha means liberation. In Sanskrit it is a masculine noun
Kid's Story
One day Baby Krishna was playing with Baby Radha. As usual Shri Krishna was defeated. Yet He was not ready to pay the wager of the game. Instead He tried to flee. Shri Radha caught Him by the arm and commented, "Where are You running away. Pay the wager". He tried hard to set Himself free of Her grip. When He could not free Himself, He started crying like an obstinate child.
Seeing that Radha Rani let Him go and told Him to not come and play with them ever again. Krishna went home and feeling bad about having lost to Radha Rani, he wanted to gain Maiya's sympathy. So, He lied to Maiya saying, “a girl beat me up". Next day, Krishna requested Baby Radha and her friends to let Him join their game. Shri Radha being ever so kind and gracious allowed him to play with her and her sakhis, on the condition that He promise to pay the wager on His defeat. He promised and asked what would be the condition? Radha: “You always refrain from paying the wager. Hence, you decide what the wager should be and stick to that”. So skillfully Shri Krishna played a trick. He said, "Who so ever loses will have to pay the wager immediately. If I lose, I will have to marry You and if You lose, You will have to marry Me". Innocent Radha Rani could not understand the trick of pranky Krishna. She clapped since Shri Krishna always lost to Her and he would have to pay the wager. She rationalized it as "this time when He loses, He has to marry Me, I don't have to marry Him". Thinking thus Shri Radha agreed to play for this wager. Kripalu Ji Maharaj says, "Shyamsundar, in His mind, is extremely pleased with His frolic".
From Prem Ras Madira (Shri Krishna Baal Leela)
Seeing that Radha Rani let Him go and told Him to not come and play with them ever again. Krishna went home and feeling bad about having lost to Radha Rani, he wanted to gain Maiya's sympathy. So, He lied to Maiya saying, “a girl beat me up". Next day, Krishna requested Baby Radha and her friends to let Him join their game. Shri Radha being ever so kind and gracious allowed him to play with her and her sakhis, on the condition that He promise to pay the wager on His defeat. He promised and asked what would be the condition? Radha: “You always refrain from paying the wager. Hence, you decide what the wager should be and stick to that”. So skillfully Shri Krishna played a trick. He said, "Who so ever loses will have to pay the wager immediately. If I lose, I will have to marry You and if You lose, You will have to marry Me". Innocent Radha Rani could not understand the trick of pranky Krishna. She clapped since Shri Krishna always lost to Her and he would have to pay the wager. She rationalized it as "this time when He loses, He has to marry Me, I don't have to marry Him". Thinking thus Shri Radha agreed to play for this wager. Kripalu Ji Maharaj says, "Shyamsundar, in His mind, is extremely pleased with His frolic".
From Prem Ras Madira (Shri Krishna Baal Leela)
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