जानती हूँ कल्पों से, पाप ही किये हैं । आप को भी पा कर, कष्ट ही दिये हैं । आपके सहारे ही, अब तक जिये हैं । और ठौर कौन जिसको, अब गहेंगे हम ॥ jānatī hūm̐ kalpoṃ se, pāpa hī kiye haiṃ । āpa ko bhī pā kara, kaṣṭa hī diye haiṃ । āpake sahāre hī, aba taka jiye haiṃ । aura ṭhaura kauna jisako, aba gaheṃge hama ॥ A particle of His foot dust - Braj Banchary Translation How will I bear the pain of separation from you?
What is the purpose of life without you? With every breath, I will take your name When I close my eyes, I will see your form When these eyes open, there will be a question Where is my Lord? I cant live without him. Innocent looks, rollicking gait Heart warming words, sweet smile Eyes filled with nectar and the luscious looks Oh! when those memories flood my mind, what will i do? You are the ocean of love, rather you are personification of veritable love You alone know what love is With a mere drop to drink, I will be able to survive (I am not asking for much) I know I have sinned for eons Even after getting your association, I have done nothing but pain you So far I have survived only due to your support Which other support will I now bank on now?
Listen to Banchary Didi Ji, sing self-composed wishes for Diwali आज दिवाली है, जीवन का, जगमग दीप जले। मुख से नितप्रति सुख से प्रति पल राधे ही निकले । Āja divālī hai, jīvana kā, jagamaga dīpa jalē. Mukha sē nitaprati sukha sē prati pala rādhē hī nikalē. Today is Diwali. Let the diyas (lighten earthen lamps) glimmer. May our tongue continue to constantly pronounce the name of Shri Radha on this auspicious day. हरि अरु गुरू के युगल चरण की कोमल छाँह तले, प्रेम और निष्काम भक्ति का, अविरलदीप जले।। जगमग दीप जले ।। Hari aru gurū kē yugala caraṇa kī kōmala chām̐ha talē, prēma aura āma bhakti kā, aviraladīpa jalē.. Jagamaga dīpa jalē. May the diya of selfless love and devotion under the soothing shelter of lotus feet of God and Guru. हर दीप की ऊँची लौ से, निकलें वचन भले, है दिवाली आहूति दे निज, लग जा पिया गले ।। जगमग दीप जले। Hara dīpa kī ūm̐cī lau sē, nikalēṁ vacana bhalē, hai divālī āhūti dē nija, laga jā piyā galē.. Jagamaga dīpa jalē. May the flame of each lamp proclaim the message to consign oneself completely into the fire of divine love and embrace our eternal beloved. प्रति दीपक की लौ की छवि में,पीताम्बर मचले, हो सा प्रकाश जब जिय में,जीवन तबहिं फले ।। जगमग दीप जले। Prati dīpaka kī lau kī chavi mēṁ,pītāmbara macalē, hō sā prakāśa jaba jiya mēṁ,jīvana tabahiṁ phalē.. Jagamaga dīpa jalē. May we get a glimpse of the fluttering peetamber (yellow upper garment) of Shyam Sundar. Only when our life is illuminated in such a manner, will our life be successful. - Braj Banchary
जय कमल - कोमल - सुन्दरम्, सदगुरू कृपालु - पद - द्वयम् । जय सन्तध्वज जय रसिक - जीवन, प्रेम - सिन्धु - सुखाकरम्॥ Jaya kamala - kōmala - sundaram, sadagurū kr̥pālu - pada - dvayam. Jaya santadhvaja jaya rasika - jīvana, prēma - sindhu - sukhākaram. The lotus feet of my Gurudev Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj are most attractive. They are as soft as the silken petals of a lotus flower. All glories to the crest jewel of Saints, the life force of Rasik Saints, who is the personification of the ocean of love and bliss. सदगुरु - चरण, भव - भय - हरण, भज मूढ़ मन नित प्रतिक्षणम् । गुरूचरण - पद्म - प्रभाव त्यज, कामादि जगत - प्रपंचनम् ॥ Sadaguru - caraṇa, bhava - bhaya - haraṇa, bhaja mūṛha mana nita pratikṣaṇam. Gurūcaraṇa - padma - prabhāva tyaja, kāmādi jagata - prapan̄canam Worshipping the lotus feet of my Sadguru eliminates all material miseries from the mind. O foolish mind! constantly worship the lotus feet of Gurudev, for it is by the grace of these lotus feet that one is able to get rid of anger, passion and all material afflictions. गुरु - चरण - अनुकम्पयैक लभ्यम्, प्रेम गोपीजन - धनम् । सुलभं चरण - कृपयैक मन ! निष्काम सेवा - सम्बलम् ॥ Guru - caraṇa - anukampayaika labhyam, prēma gōpījana - dhanam. Sulabhaṁ caraṇa - kr̥payaika mana! Niṣkāma sēvā - sambalam. It is only by the kind grace of Guru's lotus feet that one can attain the exclusive love exemplified by the Gopis of Braj. It is only by the divine grace of His lotus feet that one can attain the ability to serve God selflessly. मम मति चरण - रज एव राधाकृष्ण - प्रेम प्रदायकम् । मम प्राण सदगुरू पद – युगम् , रज एव मम जीवन - धनम् ॥ Mama mati caraṇa - raja ēva rādhākr̥ṣṇa - prēma pradāyakam. Mama prāṇa sadagurū pada – yugam, raja ēva mama jīvana - dhanam It is my firm belief that only the foot dust of Gurudev Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj can endow someone with the love of Shri Radha Krishna.The lotus feet of my Gurudev are my very life, and His foot dust is the treasure of my life. जय जयति जय जय जयति जय सदगुरू - कृपालु - कृपाकरम् । करुणाकरम् रस - आर्णवम्, पद्मापतिम् जय गुरूवरम् ॥ Jaya jayati jaya jaya jayati jaya sadagurū - kr̥pālu - kr̥pākaram. Karuṇākaram rasa - ārṇavam, padmāpatim jaya gurūvaram All glories to Gurudev Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, the one who is full of kindness and compassion. O ever merciful Husband of Mother Padma, you are the ocean of divine nectar. I beg you to have mercy on me. - A Particle of ust of His lotus feet
Sushri Braj Banchary जगत्पिता परमेश्वर माधव, उनसे लालित पालित है जग, Jagatpitā paramēśvara mādhava, unasē lālita pālita hai jaga, हमें मिले वे गुरू रूप में, इससे बढ़कर क्या होगा अब? hamēṁ milē vē gurū rūpa mēṁ, isasē baṛhakara kyā hōgā aba? उनके युगल पाद पदमों में, शीश नमन करते शत बार, Unakē yugala pāda padamōṁ mēṁ, śīśa namana karatē śata bāra, वे करुणासागर ही हमको, कर देंगे भव सागर पार॥ vē karuṇāsāgara hī hamakō, kara dēṅgē bhava sāgara pāra. पितृ दिवस अपना हो सार्थक, यह विश्वास बढ़े जब मन में, Pitr̥ divasa apanā hō sārthaka yaha viśvāsa baṛhē jaba mana mēṁ, कीर्तन कर के करुणापूर्वक, आज यही सोचें हम मन में ॥ kīrtana kara kē karuṇāpūrvaka āja yahi sōcēṁ hama mana mēṁ. Meaning Shri Krishna is the father of the entire universe, who lovingly takes care of us. The same Lord of the universe is available to us in the form of Guru. We bow down to His lotus feet millions of times, Since He is the only one, who will deliver us from the ocean of the world. This unyielding faith may make our father’s day successful. Hence we should increase this faith by doing Keertan, while shedding tears of love for our revered Guru Shri Maharaj Ji. Shrimad Sadguru Sarkaar Ki Jai All Glories to Our Dear Guru A particle of His foot dust
Braj Banchary
हे मम प्यारी अम्मा ! तव सुत तव चरनन में। झुकि शीश नमन करते, भरी जल निज नयनन में॥ तुम जैसी माँ पा कर, हम बलि बलि जाते हैं । नहिं पटतर मम माँ के, कोई इस त्रिभुवन में ॥ कुछ सीकर तव ममता के, जो जन पा लेते हैं । गुरुनिष्ठ बने रहते हैं, गुरु के पद कमलन में ॥ तेरी भोरी बतियन पे, गुरुवर बलि जाते हैं । वे डूब डूब जाते हैं, तेरी रस भरी चितवन में ॥ करू कृपा मातु हम पे ये, हँसी कहु कछु गुरुवर ते । झट अपना लें हमको, फँसी तव मृदु वचनन में ॥ Hē mama pyārī am'mā! Tava suta tava caranana mēṁ. Jhuki śīśa namana karatē, bharī jala nija nayanana mēṁ. Tuma jaisī mām̐ pā kara, hama bali bali jātē haiṁ, Nahiṁ paṭatara mama mām̐, kē kō'ī isa tribhuvana mēṁ. Kucha sīkara tava mamatā kē, jō jana pā lētē haiṁ. Guruniṣṭha banē rahatē haiṁ, guru kē pada kamalana mēṁ. Tērī bhōrī batiyana pē, guruvara bali jātē haiṁ. Vē ḍūba ḍūba jātē haiṁ, tērī rasa bharī citavan mēṁ . Kr̥pā karū mātu hama pē yē, ham̐sī kahu kachu guruvara tē. Jhaṭa apanā lēṁ hamakō, pham̐sī tava mr̥du vacanana mēṁ. O my beloved Amma! Your children bow down at your lotus feet, with tears of love filled in their eyes. We are extremely fortunate to have a mother like you. No one in the entire universe can be compared to you. Whoever receives few drops of your motherly affection, becomes a sincere devotee and finds shelter at the lotus feet of Guru forever. Your innocent words are so sweet that even Gurudev gets enchanted. He drowns in the sweetness of your beautiful eyes. We request you to kindly say something to Him humorously, so that He gets spellbound by your sweet words and quickly bestows His grace upon us. - Braj Banchary
आया है जद्गुरू दिन मन भाया, नव उल्लास चतुर्दिक छाया ।
मन गर्वित हो कर हुल्साया, मम सद्गुरू सा न कोई जग जाया । Āyā hai jadgurū dina mana bhāyā, nava ullāsa caturdika chāyā. Mana garvita hō kara hulsāyā, mama sadgurū sā na kō'ī jaga jāyā. The auspicious day has come again when our Guru was honored with the exclusive title of Jagadguruttam. Once again the entire atmosphere has become so cheerful. There is no one like our Guru in this whole world. छवि मनमोहन सी मनमोहिनि, चितवनि प्रेम भरी अति सोहनि, पुनि उत्तुंग माथ द्युति दमकनि, तापर चंदन तिलक सुहाया । Chavi manamōhana sī manamōhini, citavani prēma bharī ati sōhani, puni uttuṅga mātha dyuti damakani tāpara candana tilaka suhāyā. He is as beautiful as the all-attractive Shri Krishna and is an embodiment of Divine Love. In addition to that, the beauty of sandalwood paste and tilak on His lustrous forehead is spectacular. अहह ज्ञान सम्यक वेदन कहँ,सबहिं शास्त्र चरनन नत पाया, अस अधिकार शास्त्र वेदन पर, लखि पंडित समाज हर्षया । Ahaha jñāna samyaka vēdana kaham̐,sabahiṁ śāstra caranana nata pāyā, asa adhikāra śāstra vēdana para, lakhi paṇḍita samāja harṣayā. Seeing His unsurpassed knowledge of all the Vedas, His quoting of the scriptures effortlessly as if all the scriptures were at His service, and looking at His wonderful command on all Vedas and Shastras, made the scholars very happy. ह्वै अवाक् सुनि दिव्य ज्ञान तिन, सुधि बुधि भूले सब विद्वज्जन, जै जैकार किये मन ही मन, हो नतमस्तक शीश नवाया। Hvai avāk suni divya jñāna tina, sudhi budhi bhūlē saba vidvajjana, jai jaikāra kiyē mana hī mana, hō natamastaka śīśa navāyā. The Divine discourses of Shri Maharaj Ji astonished all the scholars. Surrendering to His unparalleled knowledge, they gave a standing ovation and reverently bowed down to Him. चारु समन्वय सुनि सब दर्शन, स्तुति किय लिख दिय दिव्य गुन, जगद्गुरूत्तम दै पद अनुपम, अभिनन्दन करि भाग्य मनाया। Cāru samanvaya suni saba darśana, stuti kiya likha diya divya guna, jagadgurūttama dai pada anupama, abhinandana kari bhāgya manāyā. The beautiful reconciliation of all of the schools of philosophy by Shri Maharaj Ji compelled the scholars that were present there to honor Him with the title of Jagadguruttam (best of all Jagadgurus). Having submitted their feelings in the form of a poetry, wherein they described all His divine attributes and His divine knowledge, they considered themselves to be very fortunate souls. अद्वितीय मेरे गुरुवर हैं, उन पर तो रीझे गिरिधर हैं, वारी वारी जाऊँ नाचुँ सोचि मनहिं मन, क्या हमने सुभाग है पाया । Advitīya mērē guruvara haiṁ, una para tō rījhē giridhara haiṁ, vārī vārī jā'ūm̐ nācum̐ sōci manahiṁ mana, kyā hamanē subhāga hai pāyā. Our Guru is so distinct and remarkable, having captivated Lord Krishna Himself. I dance in ecstasy thinking about my great fortune of being His disciple. जै हो जै हो जै हो जै हो, मेरे गुरुवर जी, रसिक शिरोमणि संत प्रवर की, प्रेम सिंधु, कारुण्य सिंधु की,कृपा हेतु ही जो जग आया । Jai hō jai hō jai hō jai hō, mērē guruvara jī, rasika śirōmaṇi santa pravara kī, prēma sindhu, kāruṇya sindhu kī,kr̥pā hētu hī jō jaga āyā. All glories to my Divine Master, who is the Supreme Rasik Saint, an ocean of love and mercy, and who appeared on this earth only to bestow His Grace.
नया वर्ष आया है सजनी, सब मिलि नाचो गाओ । नाचि नाचि सब साधक जन निज, श्री सद्गुरूहिं रिझाओ। Nayā varṣa āyā hai sajanī, saba mili nācō gā'ō. Nāci nāci saba sādhaka jana nija, śrī sadgurūhiṁ rijhā'ō. O friend! Today is the start of the New Year. All of us should sing and dance on this occasion. Thus, by performing delightful dances,let us enchant our beloved Guru. लै सुरभित जल चरण पखारहु, चंदन लेप लगाओ, पुनि अति कोमल पुष्प समर्पण, करि उन चरण सजाओ। Lai surabhita jala caraṇa pakhārahu, candana lēpa lagā'ō, puni ati kōmala puṣpa samarpaṇa, kari una caraṇa sajā'ō. Then, let us wash His lotus feet with scented water and besmear sandalwood paste on Them. Offer fragrant, soft flowers at His lotus feet to decorate them thereafter. पद पूजन करि भाग्य सराहहु,चरणोदक पुनि पाओ, ह्वै अति प्रेम विभोर मगन मन, सद्गुरू के यश गाओ। Pada pūjana kari bhāgya sarāhahu,caraṇōdaka puni pā'ō, hvai ati prēma vibhōra magana mana, sadgurū kē yaśa gā'ō. Admire your fortune for getting this wonderful opportunity to adore and worship His lotus feet and drink the pious Charanamrit. Sing glories of Gurudev in ecstasyI षट् रस व्यंजन थार सजावहु, चंदन पीठ सजाओ, गुरूवर की रुचि ते निज कर ते, गुरूवर भोग लगाओ। Ṣaṭ rasa vyan̄jana thāra sajāvahu, candana pīṭha sajā'ō, gurūvara kī ruci tē nija kara tē, gurūvara bhōga lagā'ō. Place delicacies of all the six flavors artistically on an embellished plate and set them on a decorated sandalwood seat. Prepare variety of foods according to his taste and offer them to him with love. कोऊ लै वाद्य विविध, मृदु स्वर सों, जेवन गीत सुनाओ, कोऊ नूपुर झंकार सुमिश्रित, हाव भाव दर्शाओ। Kō'ū lai vādya vividha, mr̥du svara sōṁ, jēvana gīta sunā'ō, kō'ū nūpura jhaṅkāra sumiśrita, hāva bhāva darśā'ō. Let some play various musical instruments, while others sing bhog (food-offering songs) in melodious voices and let some exhibit gestures for those songs with mixed with sweet sound of anklets. इमि रिझाय सद्गुरू कृपालु कहँ,जीवन सफल बनाओ, बलि बलि गुरू भोेरे स्वभाव पर, लखि मृदुता हरषाओ। Imi rijhāya sadgurū kr̥pālu kaham̐,jīvana saphala banā'ō, bali bali gurū bhōērē svabhāva para, lakhi mr̥dutā haraṣā'ō. In this manner let us delight our Sadguru Swami Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj and make our lives successful. Sacrifice yourself at his innocent nature and enjoy his sweetness - Braj Banchary
A song composed by Braj Banchary Didi. Didi Ji is reminiscing her beloved Gurudev Jagadguru Swami Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. हे करुणा के भंडार, मेरे दीन बंधु सरकार, दे कर के इतना प्यार न जाने कहाँ गये । Hē karuṇā kē bhaṇḍāra, mērē dīna bandhu sarakāra, dē kara kē itanā pyāra na jānē kahām̐ gayē. O reserve of compassion! O friend of humble! After bestowing so much love, where have you gone? जब जब मन में पीड़ा होती, ममता वृष्टि कहीं नहीं होती, Jaba jaba mana mēṁ pīṛā hōtī, mamatā vr̥ṣṭi kahīṁ nahīṁ hōtī, (Ever since you left) When my mind is suffering, nowhere am I showered with affection मन पूछे वह दरबार, जहाँ था करुणा का अम्बार, हमें तजि कहाँ गये । Mana pūchē vaha darabāra, jahām̐ thā karuṇā kā ambāra, hamēṁ taji kahām̐ gayē. My mind longs for that refuge, where grace was showered abundantly upon every one. O Lord! leaving us behind where have you gone? हम से अधमों को कण्ठ लगाते, अपराधों को सहते जाते, Hama sē adhamōṁ kō kaṇṭha lagātē, aparādhōṁ kō sahatē jātē, You embraced sinners like us, you continued to tolerate our offenses, झरि ला कर के धार, ये अँखियाँ पूछें बारम्बार, पतितधन कहाँ गये । Jhari lā kara kē dhāra, yē am̐khiyām̐ pūchēṁ bārambāra, patitadhana kahām̐ gayē. My eyes, while shedding incessant tears, repeatedly ask, "where has the savior of sinners gone"? नर तन, तुम सम गुरुवर पाया, फिर भी समझ नहीं कुछ आया, Nara tana, tuma sama guruvara pāyā, phira bhī samajha nahīṁ kucha āyā, I received a human body and a gracious Guru like you, still I could not grasp the essence of your precious teachings, दिये ज्ञान सार बहु बार, न मानी कबहुँ जिसने हार, दयानिधि कहाँ गये । Diyē jñāna sāra bahu bāra, na mānī kabahum̐ jisanē hāra, dayānidhi kahām̐ gayē. But you kept on bestowing the essence of all knowledge without being dejected, O host of grace! where have you gone? बस एक बार तो आ जाओ, मीठी मुसकान दिखा जाओ, Basa ēka bāra tō ā jā'ō, mīṭhī musakāna dikhā jā'ō, Please come once to show me your sweet smile बस इतना कर उपकार, पुनः छिप कुन्ज मझार, वहीं तुम जहाँ गये । Basa itanā kara upakāra, punaḥ chipa kunja majhāra, vahīṁ tuma jahām̐ gayē. After obliging me in this manner, go back and hide in the same alcoves, where you have gone already. प्रेम पयोधि युगल रस युत तुम, खूब लुटाया ब्रस रस छम छम, Prēma payōdhi yugala rasa yuta tuma, khūba luṭāyā brasa rasa chama chama, You are ocean of love, you are endowed with the the love of Divine-Couple, you freely distributed the nectar of Braj न देखा पत्रापात्र, दिया निज चरणों का आधार, वे प्रिय दिन कहाँ गये । Na dēkhā patrāpātra, diyā nija caraṇōṁ kā ādhāra, vē priya dina kahām̐ gayē. Without any bias, you sheltered us, O where have those blissful days gone? Poem composed by Braj Banchary Didi in 2008. Didi Ji had the opportunity to sing it to Maharaj Ji. Later, this was also sung while Shri Maharaj Ji soaked everyone with rose water (played 'Gulab Jal ki Holi') the same year. This was also the last Holi that both Amma Ji (our Divine Mother and wife of Shri Maharaj Ji) and Maharaj Ji played together. Rang Ekadashi falls on 11 day of Phalgun month of the Indian lunar calendar. Generally it is celebrated 4 days before Holi play. On this auspicious day Shri Maharaj Ji showers blessings and divine water (gulab jal aka rose perfumed water) infused with the essence of bhakti. In 2008 during 'gulab jal ki holi', Amma Ji was hiding behind the doors in old satsang hall in Mangarh. Seeing Amma Ji missing Maharaj ji soaked Amma Ji's bed with gulab jal. Later he saw Amma Ji and soaked her as well.
होरी खेलैं सद्गुरू सरकार, सुरभित सलिल फुहार ।। Hōrī khēlaiṁ sadgurū sarakāra, surabhita salila phuhāra.. My Guru is playing Holi with aromatic water. लै पिचकारी गुलाब जल वारी, Lai picakārī gulāba jala vārī, He is holding a water spray gun full of rose water, सबहिं भिगोवत बारी बारी। Sabahiṁ bhigōvata bārī bārī. He is soaking everyone turn by turn with that rose water. कैसी होरी की छाई है बहार, सुरभित सलिल फुहार।। Kaisī hōrī kī chā'ī hai bahāra, surabhita salila phuhāra. O! what a marvelous scene it is to see him play Holi with aromatic water. परखि रहे सब भक्त विकल हो, Parakhi rahē saba bhakta vikala hō, All devotees are anxiously waiting हमरी ओर दया प्रभु कब हो। Hamarī ōra dayā prabhu kaba kaba hō. For a glance of grace of their Master. कब डारेंगे हम पे जल धार, सुरभित सलिल फुहार ।। Kaba ḍārēṅgē hamapē jala dhāra, surabhita salila phuhāra. Waiting anxiously to be soaked with the aromatic water. नाचें सब कहि होरी है होरी है, Nācēṁ saba kahi hōrī hai hōrī hai, All devotees are dancing and saying 'it is Holi', 'it is Holi' मनगढ़ का छोरा है लीलापुर की छोरी है। Managaṛha kā chōrā hai līlāpura kī chōrī hai. The boy (Shri Maharaj Ji) hails from Mangarh and the girl (Shri Maharaj Ji's wife and our divine mother 'Amma ji') hails from Leelapur. वारी जाऊँ मम दोउ सरकार, सुरभित सलिल फुहार ।। Vārī jā'ūm̐ mama dō'u sarakāra, surabhita salila phuhāra.. I surrender myself on the couple, playing Holi with aromatic water. मनगढ़ की होरी तो रस बोरी है, Managaṛha kī hōrī tō rasa bōrī hai, Holi in Mangarh is full of nectar, छलकत रस इत ब्रज कोरी है Chalakata rasa ita braja kōrī ihai And that is same the nectar, as the one showered in Braj (by Shri Radha-Krishna) जै हो जै हो रसिकन सरदार, सुरभित सलिल फुहार ।। Jai hō jai hō rasikana saradāra, surabhita salila phuhāra.. Glory be to the crest jewel of all saints, who is playing Holi with aromatic water. बरनि न जाय आज की शोभा, Barani na jāya āja kī śōbhā, Beauty of this day cannot be described in words, लखि छवि गुरू मदनहुँ मन लोभा । Lakhi chavi gurū madanahum̐ mana lōbhā. Even Cupid is enticed seeing the resplendent personality of my Guru. धनि लीला कृपालु बलिहार, सुरभित सलिल फुहार ।। Dhani līlā kr̥pālu balihāra, surabhita salila phuhāra.. I surrender myself on the leela of Kripalu Ji Maharaj, playing Holi with aromatic water. - Braj Banchary
हे करुणा के सागर! कभी मेरी सुधि लेना।
Hey karuna ke sagar, kabhi meri sudhi lena O Ocean of Grace! Please remember me once in a while! निज चरण कमल रज की, कणिका करि सुधि लेना ।। Nij charan kamal raj kee, kanika kari sudhi lena. Considering me a speck of dust under Your lotus feet, please remember me once in a while! अपराधी हूँ तुम्हरी, कैसे कुछ विनय करूँ । Apradhi hoon tumhari, kaise kuch vinay karoon, Having sinned against You, I am ashamed to request anything of You. पतितों की गणना में, मेरी भी सुधि लेना ।। Patiton kee garna main, meri bhi sudhi lena. When You are making the list of all the sinners, a tleast at that time, please also think of me. नहिं साधन का बल है, नहिं सेवा का धन है । Nahin sadhan ka bal hai, nahin seva ka dhan hai, I have no ability to perform spiritual practices, nor can I offer a wealth of service to You. मेरे प्रेम शून्य मन पर, झुँझला कर सुधि लेना ।। Mere prem shoonya man par, jhunjhla kar sudhi lena. In spite of trying so hard, my mind is still devoid of devotional love. Even though You are upset at my pathetic state, please remember me! हे करुणा के सागर! कभी मेरी सुधि लेना। Hey karuna ke sagar, kabhi meri sudhi lena O Ocean of Grace! Please remember me once in a while. मेरे प्रभु तुमही हो, पितु मात तुमहीं बस हो । Mere prabhu tum hi ho, pitu mat tumhi bas ho, You alone are my Lord, You alone are my father and mother. You alone are my everything. मेरे भाग्य विधाता हो, जब चाहो सुधि लेना ।। Mere bhagya vidhata ho, jab chaho sudhi lena. You are the Creator of my destiny, whenever You wish please grace me (I am not demanding that You grace me right now). हे करुणा के सागर, कभी मेरी सुधि लेना। Hey karuna ke sagar, kabhi meri sudhi lena O Ocean of Grace! Please remember me once in a while. मेरे मन में समा जाओ, रग रग में समा जाओ । Mere man mein sama jao, rag rag mein sama jaao, Permeate my mind and every pore of my being with Your presence. निज धाम बना मन को, जब चाहो सुधि लेना ।। Nij dham bana man ko, jab chaho sudhi lena. As my final request, please make my mind Your dwelling place. Then, I won't mind if You do or don't grace me. हे करुणा के सागर! कभी मेरी सुधि लेना। Hey karuna ke sagar, kabhi meri sudhi lena O Ocean of Grace! Please think of me once in a while! निज चरण कमल रज की, कणिका करि सुधि लेना ।। Nij charan kamal raj kee, kanika kari sudhi lena. Considering me a speck of dust under Your lotus feet, please remember me sometime! - Braj Banchary |